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Руководство пользователя MICROLIFE MT 1671. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 2 страницах документа в pdf формате.
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DIGITAL COMPACT THERMOMETER Термометр медицинский электронный IB MT 1671 EN-RU 1310 Instruction Manual MT 1671 DESCRIPTION OF THIS PRODUCT Display Field ON/OFF button OOEO‡IEA O?O‰UIU‡ NEOOIAE aIOOI‡ CII/C?II Measuring sensor aAIA?EUAI?I?E ‰‡U?EI IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS EN Важные инструкции по безопасности RU • The instrument may be used only for measuring body •e?E·O? IOEIO EOOOI?AO‚‡U? UOI?IO ‰I? EAIA?AIE? temperature! UAIOA?‡UU?? UAI‡! • The battery cover is sonic-welded with the main housing of the •3‡O?A?‡AUO? ‚OI??‚‡U? UA?IOIAU?. 3‡IAI‡ ·‡U‡?AE IA‚OAIOEI‡ OO thermometer; the battery is well sealed inside the thermometer to O?E?EIA ·AAOO‡OIOOUE. reduce the risk to be swallowed by children. •iA?IOIAU? ‰OIEAI ·?U? A‡?E?AI OU OA?A„?A‚‡ E U‰‡?O‚! • Protect the thermometer from hitting and striking! •eIA‰UAU EA·A„‡U? OO‚??AIE? UAIOA?‡UU?? OI?UE‡??AE O?A‰? ·OIAA • Avoid ambient temperatures above 60 °C. NEVER boil the thermo- ?AI ‰O 60 °e. caaeENA IA OO‰‚A?„‡EUA UA?IOIAU? IEO??AIE?! meter! •NI? O?EOUIE UA?IOIAU?‡ ‰OOUOI‡AUO? EOOOI?AO‚‡IEA UOI?IO UA? • Use only the commercial disinfectants listed in the section «clea- ‰AAEIUE?E?U??E? O?A‰OU‚, IOUO??A O?E‚A‰AI? ‚ ?‡A‰AIA «e?EOUI‡ E ‰AAEIUAI?E?». e?E OO„?UEAIEE ‚ EE‰IOA ‰AAEIUE?E?U??AA O?A‰OU‚O ning and disinfecting» to clean the thermometer. The thermometer UA?IOIAU? ‰OIEAI ·?U? ‚ ?AI?IOI (IAOO‚?AE‰AIIOI, IA ?‡AO·?‡IIOI) must be intact when immersed in liquid disinfectant. OOOUO?IEE. • The manufacturer recommends to verify the accuracy by an autho- • aA„OUO‚EUAI? ?AIOIAI‰UAU O?O‚A??U? UO?IOOU? EAIA?AIE? O?E·O?‡ rised laboratory every 2 years. I‡E‰?A 2 „O‰‡. Batteries and electronic instruments must be disposed of in Б‡U‡?AE E ?IAIU?OII?A O?E·O?? OIA‰UAU UUEIEAE?O‚‡U? ‚ accordance with the locally applicable regulations, not with OOOU‚AUOU‚EE O IAOUI?IE O?A‰OEO‡IE?IE, IA ‚?·?‡O?‚‡U? domestic waste. ‚IAOUA O ·?UO‚?IE OU?O‰‡IE. TURNING ON THE THERMOMETER Включение термометра To turn on the thermometer, push the button on top; the display test NI? UO„O, ?UO·? ‚II??EU? UA?IOIAU?, I‡EIEUA IIOOIU CII/C?II. is performed. All segments should be displayed. Then at an ambient e?OEA‚O‰EUO? UAOU ‰EOOIA?. c‡ ‰EOOIAA OO?‚I?AUO? I‡·O? temperature of less than 32 °C, an «L» and a flashing «°C» appear at OEI‚OIO‚, OO‰U‚A?E‰‡??E? EOO?‡‚IOOU? O?E·O?‡. 3‡UAI, O?E the upper right of the display. The thermometer is now ready for use. UAIOA?‡UU?A OI?UE‡??AE O?A‰? IAIAA 32 °e ‚ O?‡‚OI ‚A??IAI U„IU ‰EOOIA? OO?‚I?AUO? OEI‚OI «LL» E IE„‡??EE AI‡I «°°ee». OUO OAI‡?‡AU, USING THE THERMOMETER ?UO UA?IOIAU? „OUO‚ I ?‡·OUA. Choose the preferred measuring method. During a measurement, the Использование термометра current temperature is displayed continuously. The «°C» symbol flas- B?·A?EUA O?A‰OO?UEUAI?I?E IAUO‰ EAIA?AIE?. C O?O?AOOA EAIA?AIE? hes during this period of time. If the «°C» is no longer flashing, this OOU?AOU‚I?AUO? IAO?A??‚IOA OUO·?‡EAIEA U‡IUE?AOIOE UAIOA?‡UU??. means that the measured increase in temperature is now less than eEI‚OI «°°ee» IE„‡AU ‚ UA?AIEA ‚OA„O ?UO„O ‚?AIAIE. EOIE OA?AOU‡AU 0.1 °C in 16 seconds and that the thermometer is ready for reading. IE„‡U? OEI‚OI «°°ee», UO EAIA?AIIOA OO‚??AIEA UAIOA?‡UU?? ‚ ‰‡II?E To prolong the life of the battery, turn it off after use by pressing the IOIAIU OOOU‡‚I?AU IAIAA 0,1 °e A‡ 16 OAIUI‰. NI? UO„O, ?UO·? U‚AIE?EU? EEAIAII?E ?EII ·‡U‡?AE, ?AIOIAI‰UAUO? ‚?II??‡U? O?E·O? OOOIA A„O operating button briefly. Otherwise the thermometer will automati- EOOOI?AO‚‡IE? IO?OUIEI I‡E‡UEAI IIOOIE CII/C?II. EOIE ?UO„O IA cally turn off after about 10 minutes. OOOIA‰O‚‡IO, UO ‡‚UOI‡UE?AOIOA OUII??AIEA UA?IOIAU?‡ O?OEAOE‰AU O?EIA?IO ?A?AA 10 IEIUU. STORAGE OF MEASURED VALUES If you hold the button down for more than 3 seconds when turning the СОХРАНЕНИЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ИЗМЕРЕНИЙ thermometer on, the maximum temperature stored automatically at ?OIE O?E ‚II??AIEE UA?IOIAU?‡ ·OIAA 3 OAIUI‰ U‰A?EE‚‡U? IIOOIU ‚ the last measurement will be displayed. At the same time, a small I‡E‡UOI OOOUO?IEE, UO I‡ ‰EOOIAA OO?‚EUO? OOI‡A‡IEA I‡IOEI‡I?IOE «M» for memory will appear at the right of the display. After 3 more UAIOA?‡UU??, ‡‚UOI‡UE?AOIE OO??‡IAIIOE ‚ O‡I?UE O?E OOOIA‰IAI seconds, this value will disappear and the thermometer will switch to EAIA?AIEE. C UO EA ‚?AI?, O O?‡‚OE OUO?OI? ‰EOOIA? OO?‚EUO? OEI‚OI the normal measurement mode. Then the stored value is erased. O‡I?UE - «M». ??A ?A?AA U?E OAIUI‰? EI‰EI‡?E? EO?AAIAU, E UA?IOIAU? OA?AII??EUO? I‡ O·??I?E ?AEEI EAIA?AIE?. ?‡UAI OO??‡IAIIOA OOI‡A‡IEA U‰‡I?AUO? EA O‡I?UE. MEASURING METHODS In the mouth (oral) Способы измерения Position the thermometer in one of the two pockets under the ton- Через рот (орально) gue, to the left or right of the root of the tongue. The measuring iOU‡IO‚EUA UA?IOIAU? ‚O ?UU O O?‡‚OE EIE O IA‚OE OUO?OI? OO‰ ?A?I. sensor must be in good contact with the tissue. Close your mouth aAIA?EUAI?I?E ‰‡U?EI ‰OIEAI I‡?O‰EU?O? ‚ ?O?O?AI IOIU‡IUA O and breathe evenly through the nose to prevent the measurement UI‡I?IE. 3‡I?OEUA ?OU E ?‡‚IOIA?IO ‰??EUA ?A?AA IOO, O UAI ?UO·? from being influenced by inhaled/exhaled air. EA·AE‡U? ‚OA‰AEOU‚E? ‚‰??‡AIO„O/‚?‰??‡AIO„O ‚OA‰U?‡ I‡ Approx. measuring time: 1 minute. EAIA?EUAI?I?A OOI‡A‡IE?. In the anus (rectal) e?E·IEAEUAI?IOA ‚?AI? EAIA?AIE?: 1 IEIUU‡. This is the most reliable measuring method, and is especially appro- Через анальное отверстие (ректально) priate for infants and small children. Carefully insert the tip of the OUO I‡E·OIAA I‡‰AEI?E OOOOO· EAIA?AIE?, ‚ OOO·AIIOOUE ?AIOIAI- thermometer 2 to 3 cm into the anal aperture. ‰UAI?E ‰I? II‡‰AI?A‚ E I‡IAI?IE? ‰AUAE. C ‰‡IIOI OIU?‡A OIA‰UAU Approx. measuring time: 1 minute. OOUO?OEIO ‚‚AOUE IOI?EI UA?IOIAU?‡ I‡ 2 - 3 OI ‚ ‡I‡I?IOA OU‚A?OUEA. In the armpit (axillary) e?E·IEAEUAI?IOA ‚?AI? EAIA?AIE?: 1 IEIUU‡. Через подмышечную впадину (аксиллярно) From a medical viewpoint, this method will always provide inaccura- e IA‰E?EIOIOE UO?IE A?AIE?, ‰‡II?E OOOOO·, I‡I O?‡‚EIO, IA O·AOOA?E‚‡AU te readings, and should not be used if precise measurements are IUEIOE UO?IOOUE OOI‡A‡IEE, OO?UOIU A„O IA ?AIOIAI‰UAUO? EOOOI?AO‚‡U? ‚ required. A minimum measurement time of 3-5minutes is recom- UA? OIU?‡??, IO„‰‡ U?A·U?UO? UO?I?A EAIA?EUAI?I?A ?AAUI?U‡U?. mended regardless of the beep sound. PAIOIAI‰UAUO? OO·I?‰‡U? IEIEI‡I?IOA ‚?AI? EAIA?AIE? 3-5 IEIUU Approx. measuring time: 1 minute. IAA‡‚EOEIO OU A‚UIO‚O„O OE„I‡I‡. e?E·IEAEUAI?IOA ‚?AI? EAIA?AIE?: 1 IEIUU‡.
CLEANING AND DISINFECTING Очистка и дезинфекция The thermometer is 100 % waterproof and may be immersed in iA?IOIAU? O·I‡‰‡AU 100 %-IOE ‚O‰OIAO?OIE?‡AIOOU?? E IOEAU ·AA water or disinfectant solution for cleaning with no problem. Then I‡IE?-IE·O O?O·IAI OO„?UE‡U?O? ‚ ‚O‰U EIE ‰AAEIUE?E?U??EE ?‡OU‚O? wipe it off with a moist towel. Please use one of the following disin- O ?AI?? O?EOUIE. 3‡UAI A„O OIA‰UAU O?OUA?AU? ‚I‡EIOE O‡IUAUIOE. fectants for disinfecting, following the manufacturer’s instructions in PAIOIAI‰UAUO? ‚ ?AI?? ‰AAEIUAI?EE EOOOI?AO‚‡U? O‰IO EA each case. O?E‚A‰AII?? IEEA ‰AAEIUE?E?U??E? O?A‰OU‚, ‚ OOOU‚AUOU‚EE O Name of Manufacturer Dilution Max. duration EIOU?UI?E?IE O?OEA‚O‰EUAI? ‚ I‡E‰OI OIU?‡A. disinfectant with water Method ДAAEIUE?E?U?- П?OEA‚O‰EUAI?? BO‰I?E MAUO‰ ?EA O?A‰OU‚‡ ?‡OU‚O? Isopropyl Immerse for alcohol 70% 24 hours eOE?U ?UEIO‚?E ‰I? eO„?UEAIEA I‡?UEIO„O O?EIAIAIE? 70% I‡ 24 ?‡O‡ Gigasept FF Schilke & 5.0 % Immerse for EE„‡OAOU FF Schilke & 5,0 % eO„?UEAIEA Mayr GmbH 24 hours Mayr GmbH I‡ 24 ?‡O‡ Lysoformin 3000 Rosemann GmbH 6.0 % Immerse for aEAOUO?IEI Rosemann GmbH 6,0 % eO„?UEAIEA I‡ 24 hours OO‰‡ 24 ?‡O‡ Aseptisol Bode Chemie 4.0 % Immerse for AOAOUEOOI Bode Chemie 4,0 % eO„?UEAIEA 24 hours I‡ 24 ?‡O‡ Note: Any other cleaning solution, dilution or cleaning method can Внимание: aOOOI?AO‚‡IEA I?·O„O ‰?U„O„O O?E?‡??A„O ?‡OU‚O?‡ IOEAU cause a malfunction of the thermometer! OO‚IA?? A‡ OO·OE I‡?U?AIEA UUII?EE UA?IOIAU?‡. BATTERY EXHAUSTION Истечение срока действия батареи When the «Ў» symbol (upside-down triangle) appears in the lower Появление в правом нижнем углу дисплея символa «Ў» означает, что right of the display, the battery is exhausted and thermometer needs to батарея исчерпала свой ресурс и термометр нуждается в замене. По be replaced. For battery disposal please refer to «safety instructions». вопросам утилизации батареи см. «Инструкции по безопасности». TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Технические характеристики Type / Тип: Maximum thermometer iA?IOIAU? I‡IOEI‡I?I?? OOI‡A‡IEE Measurement range / 32.0 °C to 43.9 °C 32,0 °e - 43,9 °e Диапазон измерений: Temp. < 32.0 °C: display «L» for low (too low) “AIO. < 32,0 °e: ‰EOOIAE «L» (OIE?IOI IEAI‡? UAIOA?‡UU?‡) Temp. > 43.9 °C: display «H» for high (too high) “AIO. > 43,9 °e: ‰EOOIAE «H» (OIE?IOI ‚?OOI‡? UAIOA?‡UU?‡) Measurement accuracy / ± 0.1 °C between 34 °C and 42 °C ± 0,1°e ‚ ‰E‡O‡AOIA OU 34 °e ‰O 42 °e Точность измерений: Operating temperature / 10 °C to 40 °C; 10 °e - 40 °e; Диапазон рабочих температур: 15 - 95 % relative maximum humidity I‡IOEI‡I?I‡? OUIOOEUAI?I‡? ‚I‡EIOOU? 15 - 95 % Self-test / Самоконтроль: Automatic internal check at a test value of 37 °C; A‚UOI‡U. ‚IUU?. UUII?. UAOU O?E IOIU?. OOI‡A‡UAIA 37,0 °e. e?E if there is a deviation of > 0.1 °C, «ERR» (error) is displayed. OUIIOIAIEE ·OIAA 0,1 °e OUO·?‡E‡AUO? OOI‡A‡IEA «ERR» (O?E·I‡). Display / Дисплей: Liquid crystal display (LCD) with 3 digits; ?E‰IOI?EOU‡I. ‰EOOIAE (LCD) O U?AI? ?EU?. OOAE?E?IE. Smallest unit of display: 0.1 °C aEIEI‡I?I‡? ‚AIE?EI‡ OUO·?‡EAIE?: 0,1 °e Memory / Память: For storing the last measured value. NI? ??‡IAIE? OOOIA‰IA„O EAIA?AIIO„O OOI‡A‡IE?. Storage temperature / –25 °C to +60 °C; OU -25 °e ‰O +60 °e; Температура хранения: 15 - 95 % relative maximum humidity I‡IOEI‡I?I‡? OUIOOEUAI?I‡? ‚I‡EIOOU? 15 - 95 % Battery / Батарея: 1.5 / 1.55 V; SR 41 1.5 / 1.55 V; SR 41 Reference to standards / EN 12470-3, clinical thermometers; EN 12470-3, IIEIE?AOIEA UA?IOIAU??; Ссылка на стандарты: ASTM E1112; IEC 60601-1; IEC 60601-1-2 (EMC) ASTM E1112; IEC 60601-1; IEC 60601-1-2 (EMC) This device complies with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive N‡II?E O?E·O? OOOU‚AUOU‚UAU U?A·O‚‡IE?I ‰E?AIUE‚? EOe O 93/42/EEC. Technical alterations reserved. IA‰E?EIOIOI O·O?U‰O‚‡IEE 93/42/EEC. GUARANTEE e?‡‚O I‡ ‚IAOAIEA UA?IE?AOIE? EAIAIAIEE OO??‡I?AUO?. We grant you a 2 year guarantee after the date of purchase. Any damage Гарантия caused by improper handling shall not be covered by the guarantee. a? O?A‰OOU‡‚I?AI ‚‡I „‡?‡IUE? 2 „O‰‡ O IOIAIU‡ O?EO·?AUAIE? Batteries and packaging are also excluded from the guarantee. All other UA?IOIAU?‡. N‡II‡? „‡?‡IUE? IA ?‡OO?OOU?‡I?AUO? I‡ I?·?A OO‚?AE‰AIE?, ‚?A‚‡II?A IAO?‡‚EI?IOE ?IOOIU‡U‡?EAE O?E·O?‡. ?‡U‡?AE E UO‡IO‚I‡ damage claims excluded. A guarantee claim must be submitted with the U‡IEA EOII??AI? EA ‰‡IIOE „‡?‡IUEE. COA EI?A O?AUAIAEE I‡ ‚OAIA?AIEA purchase receipt. Please pack your defective thermometer well and send U?A?·‡ EOII??‡?UO?. E‡?‡IUEEI‡? O?AUAIAE? ‰OIEI‡ ·?U? OUO?IIAI‡ with sufficient postage to: OOOU‚AUOU‚U??EI O·?‡AOI. e?E ‚OAIEIIO‚AIEE O?AUAIAEE O·?‡UEUAO? ‚ ‡‰?AO OA?‚EOIOE OIUE·?. a? O?A‰OOU‡‚I?AI ·AOOI‡UIOA OA?‚EOIOA Date of purchase: O·OIUEE‚‡IEA ‚ UA?AIEA 10 IAU O IOIAIU‡ O?EO·?AUAIE? UA?IOIAU?‡. N‡U‡ O?EO·?AUAIE?: Read the instructions carefully before using this device. Перед использованием прибора внимательно прочтите данное руководство. Type BF applied part aI‡OO A‡?EU? BF Microlife AG 9443 Widnau / Switzerland Адрес завода - изготовителя: Та Ланег Индастриал Зоун, Лонг Хуа Чэн, Бао Ань Шин, Шэньчжэнь, Онбо, Китай Сделано в Китае