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Автомагнитола PIONEER DEH-1320MP. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя PIONEER DEH-1320MP. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 64 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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Автомультимедиа PIONEER, Автомагнитолы PIONEER
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    SINTOLETTORE CD RDS                                                                                                                                          English
    CD RDS-ONTVANGER                                                                                                                                             Francais
    DEH-1320MP                                                                                                                     Owner’s Manual                Italiano
    Mode d’emploi
    DEH-1300MP                                                                                                         Manual de instrucciones
    Manuale d’istruzioni
    Bedienungsanleitung                  Espanol
    Руководство пользователя                        Deutsch
    1      Русский
  • Section                                                                                                                                                      Section
    01    Before You Start                                                                 Operating this unit                                                    02
    Thank you for purchasing this PIONEER  Middle East, Africa and Oceania. Use in other  Head unit                            Indicator  State
    product.                              areas may result in poor reception. The RDS                                                                          English
    To ensure proper use, please read through this  (radio data system) function only operates in  123 4  5                3   AF      AF (alternative frequencies
    search) function is on.
    manual before using this product. It is espe-  areas with broadcasting RDS signals for FM
    cially important that you read and observe  stations.                                                                  4   TP      A TP station is tuned in.
    WARNINGs and CAUTIONs in this manual.                                                                                  5   TA      TA function is on.
    Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible  CAUTION                                                                   MP3/    The type of the currently playing
    place for future reference.                                                                                            6   WMA     file.
    This product is a class 1 laser product classi-  d  c b  a  9  8    7  6
    fied under the Safety of laser products, IEC                                    7   RPT     Repeat play is turned on.
    60825-1:2007, and contains a class 1M laser   Button           Button
    8   LOUD    Loudness is on.
    module. To ensure continued safety, do not re-  1  E (EQ/LOUD)  8  1 to 6
    move any covers or attempt to gain access to                                    9   5 (stereo)  Receiving the stereo broadcast-
    2  h (eject)     9  TA/AF                        ing.
    the inside of the product. Refer all servicing to
    qualified personnel.                       3  AUDIO         a  a/b/c/d          a   LOC     Local seek tuning is on.
    If you want to dispose this product, do not mix
    4  SRC/OFF       b  FUNC
    it with general household waste. There is a se-
    parate collection system for used electronic                                     5  Disc loading slot  c  D (DISP/SCRL)
    products in accordance with legislation that re-                                 6  Detach button  d  B (BAND/ESC)   Basic Operations
    quires proper treatment, recovery and recy-
    CAUTION—CLASS 1M INVISIBLE LASER          AUX input jack (3.5                 Important
    cling.                                    RADIATION WHEN OPEN, DO NOT VIEW       7  mm stereo jack)
    DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS.                                         ! Handle gently when removing or attaching
    the front panel.
    Private households in the member states of
    the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return                                                                          ! Avoid subjecting the front panel to excessive
    their used electronic products free of charge                                    Display indication                   ! Keep the front panel out of direct sunlight and
    to designated collection facilities or to a retai-  CAUTION
    high temperatures.
    ler (if you purchase a similar new one).  ! Do not allow this unit to come into contact       1               2       ! To avoid damage to the device or vehicle inter-
    For countries not mentioned above, please  with liquids. Electrical shock could result.                                  ior, remove any cables and devices attached
    contact your local authorities for the correct  Also, damage to this unit, smoke, and over-                              to the front panel before detaching it.
    method of disposal.                     heating could result from contact with liquids.
    By doing so you will ensure that your disposed  ! The Pioneer CarStereo-Pass is for use only in
    product undergoes the necessary treatment,  Germany.                                3 5    6     7    8    9 a
    recovery and recycling and thus prevent po-  ! Always keep the volume low enough to hear  4
    tential negative effects on the environment  outside sounds.
    and human health.                     ! Avoid exposure to moisture.                  Indicator  State
    ! If the battery is disconnected or discharged,
    any preset memory will be erased.                     !  Tuner: band and frequency
    RDS: program service name,
    In case of trouble                                                                   Main dis-  PTY information and other lit-
    1  play sec-  eral information
    Should this product fail to operate properly,                                        tion       Built-in CD player: elapsed
    please contact your dealer or nearest author-                                                   playback time and text infor-
    ized Pioneer Service Station.                                                                   mation
    The track number or preset
    Preset     number.
    About this unit                                                                   2  number/  !  If a track number 100 or more
    track num-
    is selected, d on the left of
    The tuner frequencies on this unit are allo-                                         ber        the track number indicator
    will light.
    cated for use in Western Europe, Asia, the
    2   En                                                                                                                                                 En   3
  • Section                                                                                                                                                      Section
    02    Operating this unit                                                              Operating this unit                                                    02
    Note                                       Switching the RDS display            Receiving traffic announcements
    Removing the front panel to protect your unit from
    theft                                When this unit’s blue/white lead is connected to  RDS (radio data system) contains digital infor-  Regardless of the source you are listening to,  English
    1 Press the detach button to release the front  the vehicle’s auto-antenna relay control terminal,  mation that helps search for the radio sta-  you can receive traffic announcements auto-
    panel.                            the vehicle’s antenna extends when this unit’s
    2 Push the front panel upward and pull it toward  source is turned on. To retract the antenna, turn  tions.          matically with TA (traffic announcement
    you.                                                                                                              standby).
    the source off.                            % Press D (DISP/SCRL).
    1  Tune in to a TP or enhanced other net-
    Program service name—PTY information—
    Frequency                            work’s TP station.
    Menu operations identical                  # PTY information and the frequency appear on
    the display for eight seconds.       2  Press TA/AF to turn traffic announce-
    for function settings/audio                                                     ment standby on or off.
    adjustments/initial settings                                                    3  Turn SRC/OFF to adjust the TA volume
    PTY list
    3 Always keep the detached front panel in a protec-                                                                  when a traffic announcement begins.
    tion device such as a protection case.  Returning to the ordinary display     NEWS (News), AFFAIRS (Current affairs), INFO (Infor-  The newly set volume is stored in the memory
    Canceling the initial setting menu         mation), SPORT (Sports), WEATHER (Weather), FI-  and will be recalled for subsequent traffic an-
    Re-attaching the front panel          1 Press B (BAND/ESC).
    1 Slide the front panel to the left.    You can also cancel initial settings by holding  NANCE (Finance), POP MUS (Popular music), ROCK  nouncements.
    Make sure to insert the tabs on the left side of the  down SRC/OFF until the unit turns off.  MUS (Rock music), EASY MUS (Easy listening), OTH  4  Press TA/AF while a traffic announce-
    MUS (Other music), JAZZ (Jazz), COUNTRY (Country
    head unit into the slots on the front panel.
    music), NAT MUS (National music), OLDIES (Oldies  ment is being received to cancel the an-
    music), FOLK MUS (Folk music), L.CLASS (Light clas-  nouncement.
    sical), CLASSIC (Classical), EDUCATE (Education),  The tuner returns to the original source but re-
    DRAMA (Drama), CULTURE (Culture), SCIENCE
    Tuner                                       (Science), VARIED (Varied), CHILDREN (Children’s),  mains in the standby mode until TA/AF is
    SOCIAL (Social affairs), RELIGION (Religion), PHONE  pressed again.
    Basic Operations                            IN (Phone in), TOURING (Travel), LEISURE (Leisure),
    DOCUMENT (Documentaries)
    Function settings
    Selecting a band
    2 Press the right side of the front panel until it is  1 Press B (BAND/ESC) until the desired band (F1,
    firmly seated.                       F2 for FM or MW/LW) is displayed.                                            % Press FUNC to select the function.
    If you cannot attach the front panel to the head                             Selecting alternative frequencies    After selecting, perform the following proce-
    unit successfully, make sure that you are placing  Manual tuning (step by step)                                   dures to set the function.
    the front panel onto the head unit correctly. For-  1 Press c or d.          When the tuner cannot get a good reception,  ! If MW/LW band is selected, only BSM or
    cing the front panel into place may result in da-                            the unit automatically searches for a different  LOCAL is available.
    mage to the front panel or head unit.  Seeking                               station in the same network.
    1 Press and hold c or d, and then release.
    Turning the unit on                     You can cancel seek tuning by briefly pressing c  % Press and hold TA/AF to turn AF on or  BSM (best stations memory)
    1 Press SRC/OFF to turn the unit on.    or d.                                   off.
    While pressing and holding c or d, you can skip                               BSM (best stations memory) automatically stores the
    Turning the unit off                    stations. Seek tuning starts as soon as you re-                               six strongest stations in the order of their signal
    1 Press SRC/OFF and hold until the unit turns off.                                                                    strength.
    lease c or d.                           Using PI Seek
    Selecting a source                                                              If the tuner cannot find a suitable station, or  Storing broadcast frequencies with BSM may replace
    broadcast frequencies you have saved using 1 to 6.
    1 Press SRC/OFF to cycle through the sources                                                                          1 Press a to turn BSM on.
    listed below:                     Storing and recalling stations             the reception status deteriorates, the unit  The six strongest broadcast frequencies are
    TUNER (tuner)—CD (built-in CD player)—AUX                                    automatically searches for a different station  stored in the order of their signal strength.
    (AUX)                             for each band                              with the same programming. During the   To cancel the storage process, press b.
    search, PI SEEK is displayed and sound is
    Adjusting the volume                 % When you find a station that you want                                          REG (regional)
    1 Turn SRC/OFF to adjust volume.                                                muted.
    to store in memory, press one of the preset
    tuning buttons (1 to 6) and hold until the                                       When AF is used, the regional function limits the se-
    lection of stations to those broadcasting regional pro-
    preset number stops flashing.              Using Auto PI Seek for preset stations
    CAUTION                                                                                                            grams.
    Stored radio station frequency can be recalled  When preset stations cannot be recalled, as  1 Press a or b to turn the regional function on or
    For safety reasons, park your vehicle when remov-  by pressing the preset tuning button.  when travelling long distances, the unit can  off.
    ing the front panel.
    # Press a or b to recall radio station frequen-  be set to perform PI Seek during preset recall.  LOCAL (local seek tuning)
    cies.                                      ! The default setting for Auto PI Seek is off.
    Refer to A-PI (auto PI seek) on page 8.
    4   En                                                                                                                                                 En   5

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