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MIDI клавиатура M-AUDIO Evolution MK-125. Инструкция на английском языке

Руководство пользователя M-AUDIO Evolution MK-125. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 2 страницах документа в pdf формате.


Музыкальное оборудование
Звуковое оборудование
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MIDI клавиатура
Производитель (бренд)
M-AUDIO Evolution MK-125
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Звуковое оборудование M-AUDIO, MIDI клавиатуры M-AUDIO
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  • 3-3  You can also use the +/- switches to increase or decrease the value.
    Note: * If there is no key action after step 3-1 for about 5 seconds, LED will
    return to show the present PROGRAM CHANGE number.
    EVOLUTION MK-125 MIDI KEYBOARD MANUAL                                              * The default CHANNEL IS 1 when power is turned on.
    Moving the PITCH BEND WHEEL transmits MIDI PITCH BEND messages to
    any connected equipment. This allows you to bend the pitch of the sound up
    PRESETS 0-5
    (or down) to add expression to your performance.
    4-1  To bend up the pitch : Move the WHEEL upwards.
    4-2  To bend down the pitch : Move the WHEEL downwards.
    Use WHEEL to transmit MIDI CONTROL CHANGES. You can select and
    assign 119 types of MIDI functions (1-31, 33-95, 102-121, 128-132)
    Number                Functions
    1-127                 Standard MIDI controllers
    1.  POWER SUPPLY                                                                             128                   Pitch Bend Sensitivity
    1-1  DC Power - Batteries (not included)                                                     129                   Fine Tune
    This unit is powered by 6 “AA” (R-6) size batteries. Weak batteries will result          130                   Coarse Tune
    in poor performance. When the power is getting weaker, replace the worn out              131                   Channel Pressure
    batteries as follows:                                                                    132                   Velocity
    1. Remove the battery compartment cover and take out the batteries.        5-1  Press WHEEL ASSIGN switch, LED starts to flash showing the number of the
    2. Insert new batteries and make sure that the polarity is correct.            current MIDI function.
    5-2  Press numeric keys 0-9 to select a MIDI function. Also you can use +/-
    switches to increase or decrease the value of number.
    WARNING: Do not mix old and new batteries
    Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable
    (nickel-cadmium) batteries                                           Note: * If there is no key action for 5 seconds, the LED will return to show
    the current PROGRAM CHANGE number.
    1-2  AC Power                                                                            * If the number you press is not in the range of defined numbers, the
    You can also use an AC power adapter (not included) with the following                 previous number of function will be retained.
    specification : 9-12V DC output, 250mA, centre positive.                             * When you assign 120 or 121 as the MIDI controller for the WHEEL,
    you should move the MODULATION WHEEL to the mid-value then
    return it to the minimum value to send a relative MIDI message.
    Note: Do not leave the adapter plugged in for long periods of time if the unit
    is not in use.
    This function allows you to shift the pitch of the unit in semitone. You can
    2.  Preparation
    2-1  Connecting the unit to a multi-media computer                                 transpose the pitch by 24 half steps (12 up/12 down).
    6-1  Press X'POSER switch, LED shows the current TRANSPOSER value.
    Rear Panel
    6-2  Press “+” or “-” switch to change the TRANSPOSER value. Each time you
    press + or - the keyboard is transposed an additional half step.
    * Pressing + and - switches simultaneously to reset the pitch to default level.
    Note:  Turning the power on always resets the shifted pitch to preset value.
    MIDI IN                                                    7   OCTAVE CHANGE
    This function allows you to shift the entire pitch one octave higher or lower.
    7-1  Press “UP” or “DOWN” switch, the entire pitch will be shifted one octave
    higher or lower. LED shows current OCTAVE value.
    * Press “UP” and “DOWN” switches simultaneously to reset the pitch to
    default level.
    Note:  If a “+” or “-” switch is not pressed for 5 seconds the LED will return
    2-2  Turn on the POWER switch.                                                            to show the number of PROGRAM CHANGE.
    2-3  Turn all other equipment on.
    8.  Sending a PROGRAM CHANGE number
    3.  Setting the MIDI TRANSMIT Channel                                              Using PROGRAM switch and the numerical keys, you can send any MIDI
    There are 16 MIDI transmit channels available. The value is 1 to 16. Once      PROGRAM CHANGE 0-127.
    you have set the unit’s MIDI Channel, the unit sends all MIDI messages on
    this MIDI Channel. Be sure to match the channel with the RECEIVE channel   8-1  Press PROGRAM switch, LED starts to flash showing the current PROGRAM
    of connected equipment.                                                        CHANGE number.
    8-2  Press the numeric keys to set the PROGRAM CHANGE number to be sent.
    If you enter 3 digits program number, the number will be sent immediately.
    3-1  Press CHANNEL switch, the LED shows the present TRANSMIT channel.
    3-2  Press one (or two) of the numeric keys to change the channel. LED changes     If you enter 1 or 2 digit(s) program number, the number will be sent after the
    to the pressed number.
  • LED returns to normal. You can also use the “+” or “-” switch to change the
    Load         Load
    Note:  * If there is no key action for 5 seconds, the LED will stop flashing
    and show the current PROGRAM CHANGE number.
    Soft         Soft
    * If the number you press is larger than 127, it will return to the                            Soft   Hard  Soft   Hard
    previous PROGRAM CHANGE number.
    * When the display is showing the current PROGRAM number, you            Note: If there is no key action after the LED starts to flash, the LED will
    can also use the +/- switch to change the program number without             return to show the current PROGRAM CHANGE number.
    pressing the ‘PROGRAM’ switch.
    9.  Sending Bank MSB (Most Significant Bit) and LSB (Least                         This function allows you send RESET-ALL CONTROLLERS message to con-
    Significant Bit) message                                                       nected equipment.
    Allows you to send any value of MSB or LSB each from 0-127.
    12-1 Press MEMORY and X'POSER buttons simultaneously and hold for 2 sec-
    9-1  Press CHANNEL and PROGRAM switches simultaneously. The LED starts to
    flash showing the current value of LSB. Press the numeric keys to change
    the LSB value. If you enter 3 digits program number, the number will be sent  13. GENERAL MIDI MODE RESET (GM reset)
    immediately. If you enter 1 or 2 digit(s) program number, the number will be   Allows you to send GENERAL MIDI MODE RESET message.
    sent after the LED returns to normal. You can also use the “+” or “-” switch
    to change the value. Bank Select LSB, Bank Select MSB and Program Num-     13-1 Press GM RESET button and hold for 2 seconds.
    ber are sent together.
    9-2  Press PROGRAM and MEMORY switches simultaneously. The LED starts to       14. SPECIFICATIONS
    flash showing the current value of MSB. Press the numeric keys to change
    the MSB value. If you enter 3 digits program number, the number will be sent  1. Keyboard  : 25 standard keys (Velocity sensitive)
    immediately. If you enter 1 or 2 digit(s) program number, the number will be  2. Control  : Switches (WHEEL, MIDI CHANNEL, PROGRAM, MEMORY,
    sent after the LED returns to normal. You can also use the “+” or “-” switch             TRANSPOSER, OCTAVE,  VEL CURVE, BANK LSB, BANK MSB,
    to change the value. When MSB is sent only the MSB value is changed, but,                RESET  AC, GM RESET)
    as above, Bank Select LSB, Bank Select MSB and Program Number are sent                   PITCH BEND WHEEL
    again.                                                                                   MODULATION WHEEL
    Note:  * If there is no key action for 5 seconds, LED will return to show                Numerical Keys (0-9)
    current PROGRAM CHANGE number.                                     3.  Display  : 3 digit LED
    * If the number you input is over 127, it will return to previous LSB  4.  Jack  : DC IN (DC 9-12V), MIDI OUT, SUSTAIN
    or MSB.                                                            5.  Dimension : 480 x 215 x 80mm (W) x (D) x (H)
    6. Weight   : 1.85 kg
    You can assign a selected PROGRAM CHANGE as well as a BANK LSB and         Note : Specification are subject to change without prior notice.
    a BANK MSB to one of six numeric keys (0-5). Simply pressing one of  the
    numeric keys will then send the desired PROGRAM and BANK CHANGE.           APPENDIX
    10-1 Select the design PROGRAM CHANGE, BANK LSB and MSB. Please refer          MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART
    to relative chapter.
    10-2 Press MEMORY switch, the LED will start to flash.
    10-3 Press the numeric key (from 0-5) you wish to assign the setting to. Now, the                Function               Transmitted
    current PROGRAM Number and BANK CHANGE setting is memorized on the                    Basic    : Default              1-16
    selected numeric key.                                                                 Channel  : Changed              1-16
    : Default          ------------------------
    11. Selecting a VELOCITY CURVE                                                            Mode     : Messages              X
    :Altered           *********************
    The VELOCITY CURVEs determine the relationship between how hard the                   Note                            0-127
    keys are struck and the corresponding velocity that the unit transmits.
    Number   :True Voice        *********************
    Velocity  :Note ON               O
    This unit allows you to select from 12 VELOCITY CURVEs.                                        :Note OFF               X
    11-1 Simultaneously press WHEEL ASSIGN and CHANNEL switches, LED starts                   After    : Key's                 X
    to flash showing the current number of VELOCITY CURVE.                                Pitch Bend                       O
    11-2 Press one of the numeric keys (0-9) to select a VELOCITY CURVE. The 10
    Control        0-95              O
    key numbers correspond to the 10 VELOCITY CURVEs as follows:                          Change       102-121             O
    Program                         0-127
    Change   : True Number      *********************
    Load         Load        Load         Load         Load                                 System Exclusive                 X
    Song Position          X
    System   : Song Select           X
    Soft         Soft         Soft        Soft         Soft                                           Tune                   X
    Soft    Hard  Soft   Hard  Soft  Hard  Soft   Hard  Soft   Hard
    System   :Clock                  X
    Real Time  : Commands            X
    Aux      : Local ON/OFF          X
    Load         Load        Load         Load         Load
    Messages  :All Notes OFF         X
    : Active Sense          O
    : Reset                 X
    Soft         Soft         Soft        Soft         Soft
    Soft    Hard  Soft   Hard  Soft  Hard  Soft   Hard  Soft   Hard                       Notes:               Volume can be controlled by assigning
    the Modulation Wheel.
    You can also use the “+” or “-” switch to change the number for all 12
    VELOCITY CURVEs (including F1 and F2).

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