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Руководство пользователя TELWIN Nevada 12. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 40 страницах документа в pdf формате.
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Cod. 953678 MANUALE GB..........pag. 02 NL.......... pag. 11 RU.......... pag.19 SI............ pag.28 I..............pag. 03 DK.......... pag.12 H............. pag.21 HR/SCG.pag. 29 RO.......... pag.22 LT........... pag.31 F.............pag. 05 SF.......... pag.14 D.............pag. 06 N............ pag.15 PL.......... pag.24 EE.......... pag.32 E.............pag. 08 S............ pag.16 CZ.......... pag.25 LV........... pag.33 ISTRUZIONE P.............pag. 09 GR......... pag.18 SK.......... pag.27 BG.......... pag.35 GB EXPLANATION OF DANGER. RU ЛЕГЕНДА СИМВОЛОВ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ. I LEGENDA SEGNALI DI PERICOLO. H VESZJELZESEK FELIRATAI. F LEGENDE SIGNAUX DE DANGER. RO LEGENDA INDICATOARE DE AVERTIZARE. D LEGENDE DER GEFAHREN. PL OBJASNIENIA SYGNALOW ZAGROZENIA. E LEYENDA SENALES DE PELIGRO. CZ VYSVETLIVKY K SIGNALUM NEBEZPECI. P LEGENDA DOS SINAIS DE PERIGO. SK VYSVETLIVKY K SIGNALOM NEBEZPECENSTVA. NL LEGENDE SIGNALEN VAN GEVAAR. SI LEGENDA SIGNALOV ZA NEVARNOST. DK OVERSIGT OVER FARE. HR/SCG LEGENDA ZNAKOVA OPASNOSTI. SF VAROITUS, VELVOITUS. LT PAVOJAUS ZENKLU PAAISKINIMAS. N SIGNALERINGSTEKST FOR FARE. EE OHU KIRJELDUS. S BILDTEXT SYMBOLER FOR FARA. LV BISTAMIBAS SIGNALU SARAKSTS. GR ??????? ??????? ????????. BG ЛЕГЕНДА СЪС СИГНАЛИТЕ ЗА ОПАСНОСТ. DANGER OF EXPLOSION - PERICOLO ESPLOSIONE - RISQUE D'EXPLOSION - EXPLOSIONSGEFAHR - PELIGRO EXPLOSION - PERIGO DE EXPLOSAO - GEVAAR ONTPLOFFING - SPR?NGFARE - RAJAHDYSVAARA - FARE FOR EKSPLOSJON - FARA FOR EXPLOSION - ???????? ??????? - ОПАСНОСТЬ ВЗРЫВА - ROBBANASVESZELY - PERICOL DE EXPLOZIE - NIEBEZPIECZENSTWO WYBUCHU - NEBEZPECI VYBUCHU - NEBEZPECENSTVO VYBUCHU - NEVARNOST EKSPLOZIJE - OPCA OPASNOST - SPROGIMO PAVOJUS - PLAHVATUSOHT - SPRADZIENBISTAMIBA - ОПАСНОСТ ОТ ЕКСПЛОЗИЯ. GENERAL HAZARD - PERICOLO GENERICO - DANGER GENERIQUE - GEFAHR ALLGEMEINER ART - PELIGRO GENERICO - PERIGO GERAL - ALGEMEEN GEVAAR - ALMEN FARE - YLEINEN VAARA - GENERISK FARE STRALNING - ALLMAN FARA - ??????? ???????? - ОБЩАЯ ОПАСНОСТЬ - ALTALANOS VESZELY - PERICOL GENERAL - OGOLNE NIEBEZPIECZENSTWO - VSEOBECNE NEBEZPECI - VSEOBECNE NEBEZPECENSTVO - SPLOSNA NEVARNOST - OPCA OPASNOST - BENDRAS PAVOJUS - ULDINE OHT - VISPARIGA BISTAMIBA - ОПАСНОСТ ОТ ОБЩ ХАРАКТЕР. DANGER OF CORROSIVE SUBSTANCES - PERICOLO SOSTANZE CORROSIVE - SUBSTANCES CORROSIVES DANGEREUSES - ATZENDE GEFAHRENSTOFFE - PELIGRO SUSTANCIAS CORROSIVAS - PERIGO SUBSTANCIAS CORROSIVAS - GEVAAR CORROSIEVE STOFFEN - FARE, ?TSENDE STOFFER - SYOVYTTAVIEN AINEIDEN VAARA - FARE: KORROSIVE SUBSTANSER - FARA FRATANDE AMNEN - ???????? ??????????? ?????? - ОПАСНОСТЬ КОРРОЗИВНЫХ ВЕЩЕСТВ - MARO HATASU ANYAGOK VESZELYE - PERICOL DE SUBSTANTE COROSIVE - NIEBEZPIECZENSTWO WYDZIELANIA SUBSTANCJI KOROZYJNYCH - NEBEZPECI PLYNOUCI Z KOROSIVNICH LATEK - NEBEZPECENSTVO VYPLYVAJUCE Z KOROZIVNYCH LATOK - NEVARNOST JEDKE SNOVI - OPASNOST OD KOROZIVNIH TVARI - KOROZINIU MEDZIAGU PAVOJUS - KORRUDEERUVATE MATERIAALIDE OHT - KOROZIJAS VIELU BISTAMIBA - ОПАСНОСТ ОТ КОРОЗИВНИ ВЕЩЕСТВА. Symbol indicating separation of electrical and electronic appliances for refuse collection. The user is not allowed to dispose of these appliances as solid, mixed urban refuse, and must do it through authorised refuse collection centres. - Simbolo che indica la raccolta separata delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche. L'utente ha l'obbligo di non smaltire questa apparecchiatura come rifiuto municipale solido misto, ma di rivolgersi ai centri di raccolta autorizzati. - Symbole indiquant la collecte differenciee des appareils electriques et electroniques. L'utilisateur ne peut eliminer ces appareils avec les dechets menagers solides mixtes, mais doit s'adresser a un centre de collecte autorise. - Symbol fur die getrennte Erfassung elektrischer und elektronischer Gerate. Der Benutzer hat pflichtgema? dafur zu sorgen, da? dieses Gerat nicht mit dem gemischt erfa?ten festen Siedlungsabfall entsorgt wird. Stattdessen mu? er eine der autorisierten Entsorgungsstellen einschalten. - Simbolo que indica la recogida por separado de los aparatos electricos y electronicos. El usuario tiene la obligacion de no eliminar este aparato como desecho urbano solido mixto, sino de dirigirse a los centros de recogida autorizados. - Simbolo que indica a reuniao separada das aparelhagens electricas e electronicas. O utente tem a obrigacao de nao eliminar esta aparelhagem como lixo municipal solido misto, mas deve procurar os centros de recolha autorizados. - Symbool dat wijst op de gescheiden inzameling van elektrische en elektronische toestellen. De gebruiker is verplicht deze toestellen niet te lozen als gemengde vaste stadsafval, maar moet zich wenden tot de geautoriseerde ophaalcentra. - Symbol, der star for s?rlig indsamling af elektriske og elektroniske apparater. Brugeren har pligt til ikke at bortskaffe dette apparat som blandet, fast byaffald; der skal rettes henvendelse til et autoriseret indsamlingscenter. - Symboli, joka ilmoittaa sahko- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden erillisen kerayksen. Kayttajan velvollisuus on kaantya valtuutettujen kerayspisteiden puoleen eika valittaa laitetta kunnallisena sekajatteena. - Symbol som angir separat sortering av elektriske og elektroniske apparater. Brukeren ma oppfylle forpliktelsen a ikke kaste bort dette apparatet sammen med vanlige hjemmeavfallet, uten henvende seg til autoriserte oppsamlingssentraler. - Symbol som indikerar separat sopsortering av elektriska och elektroniska apparater. Anvandaren far inte sortera denna anordning tillsammans med blandat fast hushallsavfall, utan maste vanda sig till en auktoriserad insamlingsstation. - ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???????????? ????????. ? ??????? ??????????? ?? ??? ?????????? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ????????, ???? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ?????? ????????. - Символ, указывающий на раздельный сбор электрического и электронного оборудования. Пользователь не имеет права выбрасывать данное оборудование в качестве смешанного твердого бытового отхода, а обязан обращаться в специализированные центры сбора отходов. - Jeloles, mely az elektromos es elektronikus felszerelesek szelektiv hulladekgyujteset jelzi. A felhasznalo koteles ezt a felszerelest nem a varosi tormelekhulladekkal egyuttesen gyujteni, hanem erre engedellyel rendelkezo hulladekgyujto kozponthoz fordulni. - Simbol ce indica depozitarea separata a aparatelor electrice si electronice. Utilizatorul este obligat sa nu depoziteze acest aparat impreuna cu deseurile solide mixte ci sa-l predea intr-un centru de depozitare a deseurilor autorizat. - Symbol, ktory oznacza sortowanie odpadow aparatury elektrycznej i elektronicznej. Zabrania sie likwidowania aparatury jako mieszanych odpadow miejskich stalych, obowiazkiem uzytkownika jest skierowanie sie do autoryzowanych osrodkow gromadzacych odpady. - Symbol oznacujici separovany sber elektrickych a elektronickych zarizeni. Uzivatel je povinen nezlikvidovat toto zarizeni jako pevny smiseny komunalni odpad, ale obratit se s nim na autorizovane sberny. - Symbol oznacujuci separovany zber elektrickych a elektronickych zariadeni. Uzivatel nesmie likvidovat toto zariadenie ako pevny zmiesany komunalny odpad, ale je povinny dorucit ho do autorizovany zberni. - Simbol, ki oznacuje loceno zbiranje elektricnih in elektronskih aparatov. Uporabnik tega aparata ne sme zavreci kot navaden gospodinjski trden odpadek, ampak se mora obrniti na pooblascene centre za zbiranje. - Simbol koji oznacava posebno sakupljanje elektricnih i elektronskih aparata. Korisnik ne smije odloziti ovaj aparat kao obican kruti otpad, vec se mora obratiti ovlastenim centrima za sakupljanje. - Simbolis, nurodantis atskiru nebenaudojamu elektriniu ir elektroniniu prietaisu surinkima. Vartotojas negali ismesti siu prietaisu kaip misriu kietuju komunaliniu atlieku, bet privalo kreiptis i specializuotus atlieku surinkimo centrus. - Sumbol, mis tahistab elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete eraldi kogumist. Kasutaja kohustuseks on poorduda volitatud kogumiskeskuste poole ja mitte kasitleda seda aparaati kui munitsipaalne segajaade. - Simbols, kas norada uz to, ka utilizacija ir javeic atseviski no citam elektriskajam un elektroniskajam iericem. Lietotaja pienakums ir neizmest so aparaturu municipalaja cieto atkritumu izgaztuve, bet nogadat to pilnvarotaja atkritumu savaksanas centra. - Символ, който означава разделно събиране на електрическата и електронна апаратура. Ползвателят се задължава да не изхвърля тази апаратура като смесен твърд отпадък в контейнерите за смет, поставени от общината, а трябва да се обърне към специализираните за това центрове. - 1 -
_____________( GB )______________ engine vehicles, motor cycles, boats etc. and is suitable for charging sealed batteries. - Rechargeable batteries according to the output voltage INSTRUCTION MANUAL available: 6V / 3 cells; 12V / 6 cells; 24V / 12 cells. - The charging current delivered by the battery decreases according to the characteristic W bend - see the DIN 41774 norm. 3. INSTALLATION POSITIONING THE BATTERY CHARGER WARNING: BEFORE USING THE BATTERY - During operation, position the battery charger on a CHARGER READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL stable surface and make sure that there is no obstruction to air passage through the openings provided to ensure CAREFULLY. sufficient ventilation. 1. GENERAL SAFETY RULES WHEN USING THIS CONNECTION TO POWER BATTERY CHARGER - The battery charger should be connected only and exclusively to a power source with the neutral lead connected to earth. Check that the net voltage is the same as the voltage of the equipment. - During the charge the battery produces explosive gases, - Check that the power supply is protected by systems as avoid the formation of flames and sparkes. DO NOT fuses or automatic switches, sufficient to support the SMOKE. maximum absorption of welding. - Position the batteries to be charged in a well-ventilated - If you put an extension to the primary cable, the diameter place. must be the same, never inferior. - The connection to the power has to be made using the cable. - Inexperience and untrained people should be 4. OPERATION properly instructed before using the appliance. BEFORE CHARGING - People (children included) whose physical, sensory NB: Before charging check that the capacity of the or mental capacities would prevent them from using battery (Ah) which is to be charged, is not inferior to that the appliance correctly must be supervised by a reported on the data table. (C min). person who is responsible for their safety while the Follow the instructions, taking great care to respect the appliance is in use. order given below. - Children must be supervised to ensure that they do - Remove the caps of the battery charger (if foreseen) so not play with the appliance. as to let the gas produced go out. - Use the battery charger only indoors and make sure that - Check that the level of the electrolyte covers the plates of you start it in airy places. DO NOT SET IN THE RAIN OR the battery. If these were not covered add distilled water SNOW. and cover them up to 5-10 mm. - Disconnect the mains cable before connecting to or disconnecting the charging cables from the battery. WARNING: USE THE MAXIMUM CAUTION DURING - Do not connect or disconnect the clamps to or from the THIS OPERATION AS THE ELECTROLYTE IS A HIGHLY battery with the battery charger operating. CORROSIVE ACID. - Never use the battery charger inside the car or in the - With the power supply cable disconnected from the bonnet. power outlet, position the 6/12 V or 12/24 V charge - Substitute the mains cable only with an original one. switch (if present) according to the rated voltage of the - Do not use the battery charger to charge batteries which battery to be charged. are not rechargeable. - Check the polarities of the battery terminals: positive for - Make sure the available power supply voltage the + symbol and negative for the - symbol. corresponds to that shown on the battery charger rating NOTE: if the symbols are indistinguishable remember plate. that the positive terminal is the one not connected to the - To avoid damaging the vehicle's electronics, read, keep vehicle chassis. and take very careful note of the information supplied by - Connect the red charge clamp to the positive terminal of the vehicle manufacturer, when using the battery charger the battery ( + symbol). either for charging or starting; the same applies to the - Connect the black charge clamp to the vehicle chassis, instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer. at a safe distance from the battery and the fuel pipe. - This battery charger has components such as switches NOTE: if the battery is not installed in the vehicle, and relays which can cause arcs or sparks. Therefore connect the clamp directly to the negative terminal of the when using it in a garage or in a similar place set the battery (- symbol). battery charger in a suitable case. - Repair or maintenance of the inside of the battery CHARGING charger can be executed only by skilled technicians. - Power the battery charger by inserting the power supply - WARNING: ALWAYS DISCONNECT THE POWER cable into the power outlet and turning the switch (if SUPPLY CABLE FROM THE MAINS BEFORE present) to ON. CARRYING OUT ANY SIMPLE MAINTENANCE - The ammeter (if present) will indicate the current (in OPERATION ON THE BATTERY CHARGER. Amps) delivered towards the battery: during this phase the pointer of the ammeter will decrease slowly to very 2. I N T R O D U C T I O N A N D G E N E R A L low values according to the capacity and condition of the DESCRIPTION battery. - This battery charger can be used to charge free FIG.A electrolyte lead acid batteries used on petrol and diesel NOTE: Once the battery is charged you may note the liquid - 2 -
inside the battery starting to “boil”. It is advisable to stop _______________( I )______________ charging when this phenomenon appears so as to prevent damage to the battery. MANUALE D’ISTRUZIONE ATTENTION : BATTERIES HERMETIQUES En cas de necessite de charger ce type de batterie, faire preuve d'une extreme attention. Proceder lentement a la charge en controlant constamment la tension aux bornes de la batterie. Si la tension, mesurable au moyen d'un testeur courant, atteint 14,4V pour les batteries a ATTENZIONE: PRIMA DI UTILIZZARE IL 12V (7,2V pour les batteries a 6V et 28,8V pour les CARICABATTERIE LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE batteries a 24V), il est conseille d'interrompre la charge. IL MANUALE D’ ISTRUZIONE! END OF CHARGE - Disconnect the power supply to the battery charger by 1. SICUREZZA GENERALE PER L'USO DI disconnecting the cable from the mains outlet. QUESTO CARICABATTERIE - Disconnect the black charge clamp from the chassis of the vehicle or from the negative terminal of the battery (- symbol). - Disconnect the red charge clamp from the positive - Durante la carica le batterie emanano gas esplosivi, terminal of the battery (+ symbol). evitate che si formino fiamme e scintille. NON FUMARE. - Store the battery charger in a dry place. - Close up the battery cells with the appropriate plugs (if - Posizionare le batterie in carica in un luogo areato. present). 5. BATTERY CHARGER PROTECTIONS (FIG. B) The battery charger is equipped with protection in case of: - L e p e r s o n e i n e s p e r t e d e vo n o e s s e r e - Overloads (too much current delivered towards the opportunamente istruite prima di utilizzare battery). l'apparecchio. - Short circuit (charging clamps set in contact with one - Le persone (bambini compresi) le cui capacita another). fisiche, sensoriali, mentali siano insufficienti ai fini di - Polarity reversal of the battery. utilizzare correttamente l'apparecchio devono - For battery chargers equipped with fuses, it is essere sorvegliate da una persona responsabile necessary, in case of substitution of fuses, to use spares della loro sicurezza durante l'uso dello stesso. having the same nominal current value as the fuse - I bambini devono essere sorvegliati per sincerarsi changed. che non giochino con l'apparecchio. - Usare il caricabatterie esclusivamente all'interno e WARNING: If fuses with current values different assicurarsi di operare in ambienti ben areati: NON from those given were used damages to persons and ESPORRE A PIOGGIA O NEVE. things could be caused. For the same reason do not - Disinserire il cavo di alimentazione dalla rete prima di substitute the fuse with copper (or other materials) connettere o sconnettere i cavi di carica dalla batteria. bridge. - Non collegare ne scollegare le pinze alla batteria con il The substitution of the fuses is to be done when the caricabatterie funzionante. mains cable is disconnected from the mains. - Non usare nel modo piu assoluto il caricabatterie all'interno di un'autovettura o del cofano. REPLACEMENT OF THE INTERNAL PROTECTION - Sostituire il cavo di alimentazione solo con un cavo FUSE (FIG. C) originale. 1 - Disconnect the power supply cable from the mains. - Non utilizzare il caricabatterie per ricaricare batterie di 2 - Open the battery charger. tipo non ricaricabili. 3 - Replace the fuse with one having the same value. - Verificare che la tensione di alimentazione disponibile sia 4 - Close the battery charger. corrispondente a quella indicata sulla targa dati del caricabatterie. - Per non danneggiare l’elettronica dei veicoli, leggere, conservare, rispettare scrupolosamente le avvertenze fornite dai costruttori dei veicoli stessi, quando si utilizza il caricabatterie sia in carica che in avviamento; lo stesso vale per le indicazioni fornite dal costruttore di batterie. - Questo caricabatterie comprende parti, quali interruttori o rele, che possono provocare archi o scintille; pertanto se usato in una autorimessa o in un ambiente simile, porre il caricabatterie in un locale o in una custodia adatta allo scopo. - Interventi di riparazione o manutenzione all’interno del caricabatterie devono essere eseguiti solo da personale esperto. - ATTENZIONE: DISINSERIRE SEMPRE IL CAVO DI ALIMENTAZIONE DALLA RETE PRIMA DI EFFETTUARE QUALSIASI INTERVENTO DI S E M P L I C E M A N U T E N Z I O N E D E L CARICABATTERIE, PERICOLO! - 3 -