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Наушники с микрофоном MONSTER iSport SuperSlimtooth Wireless. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя MONSTER iSport SuperSlimtooth Wireless. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 117 страницах документа в pdf формате.


Музыкальные центры / Hi-Fi / Hi-End / DVD / MP3
Тип устройства
Наушники с микрофоном
Производитель (бренд)
MONSTER iSport SuperSlimtooth Wireless
Еще инструкции
Музыкальные центры / Hi-Fi / Hi-End / DVD / MP3 MONSTER, Наушники с микрофоном MONSTER
Язык инструкции
Дата создания
14 Января 2021 г.
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5.66 Мб
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Доступно к просмотру 117 страниц. Рекомендуем вам скачать файл инструкции, поскольку онлайн просмотр документа может сильно отличаться от оригинала.

    Manual and Warranty · Manuel et Garantie · Handbuch und Garantieschein · Manual y Garantia
  • Important Monster ®   Noise levels are measured in decibels (dB), exposure
    to any noise at or above 85 dB can cause gradual
    Performance and Safety Tips  hearing loss.
    Listen Responsibly   Monitor your use; hearing loss is a function of
    loudness versus time. The louder it is, the less
    To avoid hearing damage, make sure that the   time you can be exposed to it. The softer it is, the   ENGLISH
    volume on your music player is turned down   more time you can listen to it.
    before connecting your headphones. After    This decibel (dB) table compares some common
    placing headphones in / on your ears, gradually   sounds and shows how they rank in potential
    turn up the volume until you reach a comfortable   harm to hearing.
    listening level.
    Whisper     30     Very quiet
    Quiet Office  50–60  Comfortable hearing levels are under 60 dB
    Vacuum Cleaner, Hair Dryer  70  Intrusive; interferes with telephone conversations
    Food Blender  85–90  85 dB is the level at which hearing damage (8 hrs.) begins
    Garbage Truck,    100  No more than 15 minutes of unprotected exposure
    Cement Mixer       recommended for sounds between 90–100 dB
    Power Saw, Drill/Jackhammer  110  Regular exposure to sound over 100 dB of more than
    1 minute risks permanent hearing loss
    Rock Concerts (varies)  110–140  Threshold of pain begins around 125 dB
    Chart information obtained from www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/education/teachers/pages/common_sounds.aspx
  • Get the most out of your equipment and enjoy   Use Responsibly  Battery  Monster ®  Service
    great audio performance even at safe levels. Our   Do not use headphones when it’s unsafe to do so –    If applicable, battery must be recycled or disposed   Have a Problem with Your
    headphones will allow you to hear more details at   while operating a vehicle, riding a bike, crossing   of properly.  Headphones? Our Customer
    lower volume levels than ever before.
    ENGLISH  Learn how to establish a safe listening level and   streets, or during any activity or in an environment   Information to consumers in application    Service Team is here for you.  ENGLISH
    where your full attention to your surroundings
    of EU WEEE Directive 96/2002
    review other important safety guidelines from the
    is required.
    Please don’t return headphones to your retailer,
    Consumer Electronics Association at www.ce.org.
    Important information on how to prevent Noise-  It‘s dangerous to drive while wearing headphones,   This product is subject to European Union   CALL our customer service center, 1-877-800-8989
    for United States or Latin America, or email us at
    regulations that promote the re-use
    and in many places, illegal because it decreases
    Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and a comprehensive   your chances of hearing life-saving sounds outside   and recycling of used electrical and electronic   www.MonsterProducts.com/service/. For Canadian,
    list of which noises can cause damage can be   of your vehicle, such as another car’s horn and   equipment. This product required the extraction   European, and Asian Pacific customer service
    found on the Deafness Research Foundation’s   emergency vehicle sirens.   and use of natural resources and may contain   numbers, please see the “Telephone Numbers”
    website, www.drf.org.                             hazardous substances. The symbol above, on the   section in the following “Limited Warranty for
    Please avoid wearing your headphones while   product or on its packaging, indicates that this   Consumers”. Our team of experts will assist you
    Physiology of the Ear and Hearing  driving. Use one of Monster’s FM transmitters to   product must not be disposed of with your other   with all questions and technical difficulties.
    listen to your mobile media devices instead.
    Malleus  Cochlear Nerve                    household waste. Instead, it is your responsibility   We stand behind our products. Monster
    Headphones “Break-in”        to dispose of your waste equipment by handing   headphones deliver the best in sound, quality,
    it over to a designated collection point for the
    and design.
    Incus           Break in time for headphones? We’re kidding,   recycling of waste electrical and electronic   Thank you for your purchase.
    Cochlea  right? No we’re not. Like any high performance   equipment. The separate collection and recycling
    Auditory Canal    product, whether it’s cars or headphones, they’re   of your waste equipment at the time of disposal   Download the complete manual at:
    Tympanic  Vestibule  mechanical devices that settle in after use. Your   will help to conserve natural resources and ensure
    Membrane       new headphones will sound incredible out of the   that it is recycled in a manner that protects human   www.MonsterProducts.com
    Stapes       box, but will “mellow” out after use and sound even   health and the environment. For more information
    To Nose/Throat  better. We recommend playing them for 8 hours.   about where you can drop off your waste
    For additional information on what loud noises do to your ear and   After 20 hours of playing, they should be fully   equipment for recycling, please contact your local
    chart reference www.abelard.org/hear/hear.php#loud-music  broken in. Enjoy.   city office, your household waste disposal service,
    or the store from which you purchased the product.
    For more information about Monster products,
    please visit us at: www.MonsterProducts.com.

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