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Автомагнитола PIONEER MVH-180UBG. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя PIONEER MVH-180UBG. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 204 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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Автомультимедиа PIONEER, Автомагнитолы PIONEER
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  • DIGITAL MEDIA RECEIVER                                                                         English
    RECEPTOR DIGITAL DE MEDIOS                                                                     Francais
    ЦИФРОВОЙ МЕДИАРЕСИВЕР                                                                          Italiano
    MVH-X380BT                                                                                     Espanol
    MVH-180UI                                                              Owner’s Manual
    Mode d’emploi
    Manuale d’istruzioni        Deutsch
    MVH-180UBG                                                    Manual de instrucciones
    MVH-180UB                                                                  Handleiding         Nederlands
    Руководство пользователя
    MVH-181UB                                                                                      Русский
  • Declaration of Conformity with regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
    Table of Contents
    Before You Start ......................................................................... 3
    Getting Started .......................................................................... 4
    Radio ............................................................................................ 7  English:  ?? ??? ??????? Pioneer ??????? ??? MVH-
    Hereby, Pioneer, declares that this MVH-X380BT is   X380BT ???-?????????? ???? ??? ?????????
    USB/iPod/AUX ............................................................................ 8  in compliance with the essential requirements   ?????????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ?????????
    and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/  ??? ??????? 1999/5/??
    Bluetooth................................................................................... 10  Suomi:  Italiano:
    Con la presente Pioneer dichiara che questo MVH-
    Pioneer vakuuttaa taten etta MVH-X380BT   X380BT e conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle
    App Mode.................................................................................. 14  tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY   altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva
    oleellisten vaatimusten ja sita koskevien   1999/5/CE.
    Car Remote Mode .................................................................... 15  direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.  Espanol:
    Nederlands:              Por medio de la presente Pioneer declara que el
    Settings...................................................................................... 16  Hierbij verklaart Pioneer dat het toestel MVH-  MVH-X380BT cumple con los requisitos esenciales
    y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o
    X380BT in overeenstemming is met de essentiele
    eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van   exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE
    FUNCTION settings ...............................................................  16  richtlijn 1999/5/EG  Portugues:
    Francais:                Pioneer declara que este MVH-X380BT esta
    AUDIO settings.......................................................................  17
    Par la presente Pioneer declare que l’appareil   conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras
    SYSTEM settings ....................................................................  18  MVH-X380BT est conforme aux exigences   disposicoes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
    essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes   Cestina:
    ILLUMINATION settings........................................................  19  de la directive 1999/5/CE  Pioneer timto prohlasuje, ze tento MVH-X380BT je
    Svenska:                 ve shode se zakladnimi pozadavky a dalsimi
    MIXTRAX settings..................................................................  19  Harmed intygar Pioneer att denna MVH-X380BT   prislusnymi ustanove-nimi smernice 1999/5/ES
    star I overens-stammelse med de vasentliga   Eesti:
    Connections/Installation........................................................ 20  egenskapskrav och ovriga relevanta   Kaesolevaga kinnitab Pioneer seadme MVH-
    bestammelser som framgar av direktiv 1999/5/EG.  X380BT vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EU
    Dansk:                   pohinouetele ja nimetatud direktiivist
    Additional Information........................................................... 23  Undertegnede Pioneer erkl?rer herved, at   tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele satetele.
    folgende udstyr MVH-X380BT overholder de   Magyar:
    v?sentlige krav og ovrige relevante krav i direktiv   Alulirott, Pioneer nyilatkozom, hogy a MVH-
    1999/5/EF               X380BT megfelel a vo-natkozo alapveto
    Deutsch:                 kovetelmenyeknek es az 1999/5/EC iranyelv
    Hiermit erklart Pioneer, dass sich dieses Gerat   egyeb eloirasainak.
    MVH-X380BT in Ubereinstimmung mit den   Latviesu valoda:
    About this manual:                              grundlegenden Anforde-rungen und den   Ar so Pioneer deklare, ka MVH-X380BT atbilst
    anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie   Direktivas 1999/5/EK butiskajam prasibam un
    • In the following instructions, a USB memory or USB audio player are referred   1999/5/EG befindet". (BMWi)  citiem ar to saistitajiem noteikumiem.
    to as “USB device”.                           ????????:
    • In this manual, iPod and iPhone are referred to as “iPod”.
    2 En
  • Lietuviu kalba:
    Siuo Pioneer deklaruoja, kad sis MVH-X380BT     Before You Start
    atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB
    Direktyvos nuostatas.
    Malti:                                         Thank you for purchasing this PIONEER product
    Hawnhekk, Pioneer jiddikjara li dan MVH-X380BT   To ensure proper use, please read through this manual before using this product. It is   English
    jikkonforma mal-htigijiet essenzjali u ma     especially important that you read and observe WARNINGs and CAUTIONs in this manual.
    provvedimenti ohrajn relevanti li hemm fid-
    Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC                          Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future reference.
    Pioneer tymto vyhlasuje, ze MVH-X380BT splna
    zakladne poziadavky a vsetky prislusne
    ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.
    Pioneer izjavlja, da je ta MVH-X380BT v skladu z
    bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi
    dolocili direktive 1999/5/ES.
    Prin prezenta, Pioneer declara ca acest MVH-   If you want to dispose this product, do not mix it with general household waste. There is a
    X380BT este in conformitate cu cerintele esentiale   separate collection system for used electronic products in accordance with legislation
    si alte prevederi ale Directivei 1999/5/EU.
    български:                                      that requires proper treatment, recovery and recycling.
    С настоящето, Pioneer декларира, че този MVH-
    X380BT отго-варя на основните изисквания и    Private households in the member states of the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return
    други съответни постановления на Директива    their used electronic products free of charge to designated collection facilities or to a
    1999/5/EC.                                    retailer (if you purchase a similar new one).
    Polski:                                        For countries not mentioned above, please contact your local authorities for the correct
    Niniejszym Pioneer oswiadcza, ze MVH-X380BT   method of disposal.
    jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz      By doing so you will ensure that your disposed product undergoes the necessary treatment,
    pozostalymi stosownymi postanowieniami
    Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC                           recovery and recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and
    Norsk:                                         human health.
    Pioneer erkl?rer herved at utstyret MVH-X380BT
    er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og         WARNING
    ovrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
    Islenska:                                      •Do not attempt to install or service this product by yourself. Installation or servicing
    Her me? lysir Pioneer yfir ?vi a? MVH-X380BT er i   of this product by persons without training and experience in electronic equipment
    samr?mi vi? grunnkrofur og a?rar krofur, sem   and automotive accessories may be dangerous and could expose you to the risk of
    ger?ar eru i tilskipun 1999/5/EC               electric shock, injury or other hazards.
    Hrvatski:                                      •Do not attempt to operate the unit while driving. Make sure to pull off the road and park
    Ovime tvrtka Pioneer izjavljuje da je ovaj MVH-
    X380BT u skladu osnovnim zahtjevima i ostalim   your vehicle in a safe location before attempting to use the controls on the device.
    odredbama Direktive 1999/5/EC.
    Turkce:                                            CAUTION
    Bu vesile ile, PIONEER, bu MVH-X380BT icin 1999/
    5/EC Direktifinin esas sartlar? ve diger ilgili   •Do not allow this unit to come into contact with moisture and/or liquids. Electrical shock
    hukumlerine uygunlugu beyan eder.              could result. Also, damage to this unit, smoke, and overheating could result from contact
    with liquids.
    •Always keep the volume low enough to hear outside sounds.
    •The Pioneer CarStereo-Pass is for use only in Germany.
    En  3

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