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Руководство пользователя BEHRINGER E 1520 EUROLIVE PERFORMER. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 102 страницах документа в pdf формате.
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AaU?O?OaaO? ??Ui??O?aOUi aOUOa?Y? Nokia 2630 9203568 ?e?aaU 1 RU
Nokia 2630 (RM-298) Aa?U aUaONe, aaa?Y?OUOYYeU ?a?O?O?OOaOUOU O ??aiOUO ?.2 aa.5 AOOOa?UiY?O? ·?U?Y? AA "? ??eOaO ?a?O ??aaONOaOUOU", a?OOY 3 O?O?U a O?ae ?a?O?O?OaaO? ?aO aaU?OOO, ca? O?OOUOO Oa??Ui?aOaai O aaa?O?U a??aOOaaaOOO a Y?aa?ieOU OYaaaaU?OOU ?? iUa?Ua?a??OO O ?aOUOYOUeUO aOaYOcOaUOUO aa?YO?aa?UO. ?µ?»°A°??I A??A?µAAA??I ??aa?ieOU U?a??a??Oi NOKIA 0434 CORPORATION ??iOUiOa, ca? O?OOUOO RM-298 a??aOOaaaOaOa ?aY?O???U?O?ieOU aaON?O?YOiU O OaaOOU ??U?OOYOiU ?OaOUaOOe A?OOa? µOa??e 1999/5/EC. ???Oi ?OUU?a??OO a??aOOaaaOOi U?OY? Y?UaO Y? Web-aaa?YO?O http://www.nokia.com/ phones/declaration of conformity/. © Nokia, 2007 O. ?aO ?a?O? ??eOeOYe. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Xpress-on O Navi iOUiiaai a?O?aYeUO ?Y?U?UO OUO ??aOOOaaaOa?O?YYeUO a?O?aYeUO ?Y?U?UO U?a??a??OO Nokia. ?OU?OOi Nokia iOUiOaai ?OaU?OeU U?O?aO??U U?a??a??OO Nokia. ???O?YOi OaaOOa O?OOUOU OUO U?U??YOU, aU???YYeO ?OOai, U?Oaa Neai a?O?aYeUO ?Y?U?UO OUO a?aO?OeUO Y?OUOY?O?YOiUO a??aOOaaaOaieOa OU?OOUi?OO.
??a?a?O?OOOOYOO, ?OaOO?c?, a?a?a?aaa?YOYOO OUO aa?YOYOO O UiN?U a?aUO O?YY?O? O?UaUOYa? OUO UiN?U OO? c?aaO NO? ?aOOO?aOaOUiY?O? ?OaiUOYY?O? a??aOeOYOi U?a??a??OO Nokia ???aOeOY?. US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. T9 text input software Copyright © 1997-2007. Tegic Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Includes RSA BSAFE cryptographic or security protocol software from RSA Security. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial use in connection with information which has been encoded in compliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumer engaged in a personal and noncommercial activity and (ii) for use in connection with MPEG-4 video provided by a licensed video provider. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information, including that related to promotional, internal, and commercial uses, may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See http://www.mpegla.com. ?? Y?aa?ieOO O?OOUOO OUOOaai UO?OY?Oi Y? ??UOa ??aOYa?O MPEG-4 Visual Visual Patent Portfolio License (i), a??aOe?ieOO Oa??Ui??O?YOO O?YYea, ??U?OOa?O?YYea a?OU?aY? ?UO?aOaUa aa?YO?aa? MPEG-4 Visual Standard ??aaONOaOUOU, ??YiaeU OYOOOOOa?UiY?U O YOU?UUOacOaU?U OOiaOUiY?aaii, O (ii) ?a?aU?aa OOOO??a?OaU?OO, ?aOO?aa?OUiOU?U UO?OY?Oa?O?YYeUO ??aa?OeOU?UO OOOO??a?OaU?OO O a?aU?aO MPEG-4. ?? ?aOUOYOYOO a?aU?a? O OYea ?OUia YO ?aOO?aa?OUiOaai O YO ??Oa??aUOO?Oaai YOU?UOa UO?OY?O?YYea ?a?O. ????UYOaOUiYeO aOOOOYOi, O a?U cOaUO aOOOOYOi ?N Oa??Ui??O?YOO O aOUU?UYea, aUaOONYea O U?UUOacOaUOa ?OUia, U?OY? ??UacOai O U?U??YOO MPEG LA, LLC. AU. http://www.mpegla.com.