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Холодильник с верхней морозильной камерой SAMSUNG SR-L36NMB. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя SAMSUNG SR-L36NMB. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 19 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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Холодильник с верхней морозильной камерой
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Холодильники SAMSUNG, Холодильник с верхней морозильной камерой SAMSUNG
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06 Января 2019 г.
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  • SR-L39-ENG(NEW)  3/30/59 9:37 AM  Page 1
  • SR-L39-ENG(NEW)  3/30/59 9:37 AM  Page 1
    These operating instructions cover various models.
    Environment-friendly fridge/freezer using R600a
    The characteristics of your appliance may differ
    refrigerant and cyclopentane blowing agent.
    slightly from those described in this manual.
    • This products protects the environment by using the
    R600a refrigerant and the cyclopentane blowing agent.  R600a or R134a is used as a refrigerant.
    • Properties:                         Check the compressor label on the rear of the
    ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential): 0   appliance and the rating label inside the fridge to
    GWP (Global Warming Potential): Lowest  see which refrigerant is used for your refrigerator.
    High-energy efficiency
    • Optimized power consumption when using R600a and
    SUPER fast freezing function
    • Food can be stored in fresh conditions by cooling it
    quickly via the “SUPER” freezing function.
    Fresh compartment, just above 0°C
    • Drawer for dry or wrapped food.
    • Drawer with an adjustable humidity level for fresh salades,
    vegetables and fruits.
    Fridge at the top, drawer-type freezer at the bottom
    • The highly ergonomic vegetable compartment is placed
    at waist height as it is frequently used.
    • The drawer-type freezer minimizes temperature variations  CONTENTS
    and stores food cleanly and conveniently.
    Power on/off
    • The main power switch is a handy way to switch the
    FEATURES................................................................................. 1
    appliance on and off without pulling out the mains plug.
    WARNINGS / SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................. 2
    Digital temperature control display   INSTALLING THE FRIDGE / FREEZER................................... 4
    • The display shows all functions of the appliance, so that  PREPARING THE FRIDGE / FREEZER................................... 5
    you can easily control them.
    USING THE CONTROL FEATURES..........................................5
    ECO                                   STORING FOOD IN THE REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER..... 8
    • Just press the ECO button to obtain the most energy-  MAKING ICE ............................................................................ 10
    efficient temperature settings: freezer at -17°C and fridge at  USING THE WATER DISPENSER (OPTION)........................ 11
    VAC                                   CLEANING THE WATER DISPENSER .................................. 14
    • Save on energy consumption by switching off the fridge  REPLACING THE INTERIOR LIGHT.......................................15
    and maintaining only the freezer running when you take  PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS.............................................. 15
    a long vacation or are away for any reason.  USAGE PRECAUTIONS.......................................................... 16
    VIEW OF YOUR FRIDGE / FREEZER.....................................17
  • SR-L39-ENG(NEW)  3/30/59 9:37 AM  Page 2
    To avoid any risk of personal injury, material damage or incorrect use of the appliance, be sure to
    observe the following safety precautions. (After reading these owner’s instructions, please keep them in
    a safe place for reference). Remember to hand them over to any subsequent owner.
    Indicates that a danger of death or   Indicates that a risk of personal
    serious injury exists.                injury or material damage exists.
    Warning                              Caution
    Do not disassemble, repair or alter the
    Warning                         appliance.
    • It may cause fire or abnormal operations, which
    Do not plug several appliances into the same
    sockets.                                may lead to injury.
    • This could cause overheating and the risk of fire.  Pull the power plug out of the socket before
    replacing the interior light in the refrigerator.
    Keep the power plug away from the rear of the  • Otherwise, there is a risk of electric shock.
    • A damaged power plug may cause fire due to  Be sure to earth the appliance.
    overheating.                          • Otherwise, it may cause material damage and
    electric shock.
    Do not directly spray water inside or outside
    the fridge/freezer.                    If you wish to dispose of the fridge/freezer,
    • There is a risk of fire or electric shock.  throw it away after removing the door or its
    Do not spray inflammable gas near the
    fridge/freezer.                        • In this way, it is not possible for a child to remain
    trapped inside it.
    • There is a risk of explosion or fire.
    Do not bend the power cord excessively or   This appliance contains a small amount
    place heavy articles on it.                 of isobutane refrigerant (R600a), a
    This constitutes a fire hazard. If the power cord  natural gas with high environmental
    is damaged, have it replaced immediately by the  compatibility, but it is also combustible.When
    manufacturer, its service agent or a similarly  transporting and installing the appliance, care
    qualified person.
    should be taken to ensure that no parts of the
    Do not insert the power plug with wet hands.  refrigerating circuit are damaged.
    • You may receive an electric shock.   Refrigerant squirting out of the pipes could
    Do not put a container filled with water on top  ignite or cause an eye injury. If a leak is detected,
    of the appliance.                      avoid any naked flames or potential sources of
    • If the water spills on to any electrical parts, it may  ignition and air the room in which the appliance
    lead to fire or electric shock.       is standing for several minutes.
    • In order to avoid the creation of a flammable gas-
    Do not install the fridge/freezer in a damp place,  air mixture if a leak in the refrigerating circuit occurs,
    where it could be splashed with water.
    the size of the room in which the appliance may be
    • Incorrect insulation of the electrical parts may  sited depends on the amount of refrigerant used.
    cause an electric shock or fire.       The room must be 1m in size for every 8 g of
    Do not store volatile and inflammable   R600a refrigerant inside the appliance.The amount
    substances in the refrigerator.         of refrigerant in your particular appliance is shown
    • The storage of benzene, thinner, alcohol, ether,  on the identification plate inside the appliance.
    LP gas or other such substances may cause an  • Never start up an appliance showing any signs of
    explosion.                             damage. If in doubt, consult your dealer.

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