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Встраиваемая электрическая панель KUPPERSBERG SA3VT02. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя KUPPERSBERG SA3VT02. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 36 страницах документа в pdf формате.


Бытовая техника
Плиты / Духовки / Печи
Тип устройства
Встраиваемая электрическая панель
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Плиты / Духовки / Печи KUPPERSBERG, Встраиваемые электрические панели KUPPERSBERG
Язык инструкции
Дата создания
14 Ноября 2018 г.
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  • Technical passporT
    паспорт технического изделия
  • Technical passporT                                            english
    electric hob
    1. APPEAL TO THE CUSTOMER ..........................................................................................3
    2. CHILDREN’S SAFETY ..........................................................................................................3
    3. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION .........................................................................3
    4. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .................................................................................4
    5. BEFORE USING YOUR APPLIANCE FOR THE FIRST .........................................4
    6. MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION MANUAL ..................................................5
    6.1. SAFETY INSTALLATION .........................................................................................5
    6.2. INSTALLING THE APPLIANCE ............................................................................6
    6.3. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ..................................................................................6
    6.4. STARTING THE APPLIANCE .................................................................................8
    6.5. TECHNICAL DRAWINGS ..........................................................................................9
    6.6. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................10
    7. CONTROL TYPES AND USE .............................................................................................11
    7.1. CONTROL PANEL ........................................................................................................11
    7.2. BASIC SETTINGS ........................................................................................................12
    7.3. BASIC FUNCTION .......................................................................................................13
    8. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANINGS ...............................................................................14
    9. TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................................................................................15
  • english                                           Technical passporT
    electric hob
    1. APPEAL TO THE                  A   Most models have a door
    CUSTOMER                      temperature  of  below 60  K. lf  your
    Dear Customer,                   oven has a higher temperature, you can
    Thank you for having purchased one   obtain a special door from the Technical
    of our products.                    Service Department that  will stabilise
    We are certain that this new, modern,   the door temperature. Refer to the
    functional and practical appliance, built   features list.
    with the very highest quality materials,
    will  meet  your  requirements  in  the   3. IMPORTANT SAFETY
    best possible way.  This appliance is     INSTRUCTION
    easy to use. it is, however, important to
    thoroughly read the instructions in this   WARNINGS:
    handbook in order to obtain the best   For a correct use, please look at ? g.
    results.                                 B   Switch on the electricity
    The manufacturer shall not be
    held responsible for any damages to   only after having placed the pot on the
    persons or property caused by incorrect   cooking zone.
    installation or use of the appliance .   B   Use  pots  and  pans  with  fl at
    The manufacturer is not responsible   solid bottoms.
    for any transcription errors or misprints   B   Use pots with the same
    contained in this handbook and,     diameter of the cooking zones.
    furthermore, reserves the right to make   B   Dry  the  bottom  of  the  pot
    any modi? cation on the products, which   before put in on the cooking zones.
    might be deemed necessary or usefull,    B   Do not scrape the pot against
    this being in the user’s interest, without   the glass so to not damage it
    altering their basic operating or safety   B   During the use of the cooking
    features.                           zones, please, keep the ehi/dren away
    from the hot plates. Make sure that
    the handles of the pots are placed in
    A   Do not allow children to     the right way towards the interior. Be
    approach the oven while it is in use, as   aware that overheated fats and oils may
    high temperatures can be reached.   become infl amed.
    A   During the catalytic self-cleaning   B   Cooking  zones after using
    process, which is carried out at a high   remain warm; don’t leave objects, don’t
    lean your hands so to avoid bums, till
    temperature, the outer surfaces may   the indicator light is off.
    become hotter than normal and children   B   lf the glass cracks, please,
    should be kept away from the oven.  disconnect the appliance.

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