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Машинка шлифовальная орбитальная (эксцентриковая) FELISATTI RGF150/600E. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя FELISATTI RGF150/600E. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 26 страницах документа в pdf формате.


Инструменты / Контрольно-измерительные приборы
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Машинка шлифовальная орбитальная (эксцентриковая)
Производитель (бренд)
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Инструменты / Контрольно-измерительные приборы FELISATTI, Машинки шлифовальные орбитальные (эксцентриковые) FELISATTI
Язык инструкции
Дата создания
11 Апреля 2019 г.
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  • Fig. 1
    Fig. 2
    Rotorbital sander                                                    RGF150/600E
    Input power              W                                                  600
    No-load speed            rpm                                           2500-6500
    Orbits per minute        opm                                           5000-13000
    Max. diameter of the Velcro plate   mm                                      150
    Oscillation circle       mm                                                  5
    Approx. weight (without acces.)   Kg                                        2.4
    The instructions contained in this manual must be strictly   ? Always use the machine with the auxiliary  handle
    followed, it should  be carefully read  and kept close  at   attached.
    hand  to use when carrying out maintenance on the   ? Hold the machine firmly in both hands and in a stable
    indicated parts.                          position.
    If the machine is used carefully and normal maintenance   ? Check  that the speed marked on the disk is the
    is carried out, it will work well for a long time.   same or superior to the nominal velocity of the Ro-
    The functions and use of the tool you have bought shall   torbital sander.
    be only those described in this manual. Any other use   ? Assure  yourself that the dimensions of the disk are
    of the tool is strictly forbidden.        compatible with the Rotorbital sander.
    ? The abrasive discs should be handled and kept with
    ILLUSTRATIONS                             the utmost care, in  accordance with the  manufac-
    DESCRIPTION (See figures)                 turer’s instructions.
    A  Start-up switch (Fig.1)              ? Protect  the polisher from knocks, collisions and
    B  Auxiliary handle (Fig.1)             ? Carefully  verify the plate in order to assure yourself
    C  Spindle blocking button (Fig.2)        that  it is  not damaged, nor  does it  have any cracks
    D  Velcro plate (Fig.1)                   before using it.
    E  Electronic regulation control (Fig.1)   ? Assure yourself that the abrasive disks are mounted in
    F   Dust output (Fig.2)                   accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
    ? Check that the  disc has been  properly fitted and  se-
    EQUIPMENT                                 cured  before using the machine. Start the machine
    - Operating instructions                  with no load and run for 30 seconds in a safe position;
    - Safety instructions                     if you notice serious vibration or any other defect stop
    - Warranty                                the machine immediately. This can indicate a incorrect
    installation or a badly balanced plate.
    ? Beware of shavings that fly off. Hold the tool that so
    ? See “Safety Instructions” manual, supplied with this   that sparks fly away from you or other people and in-
    instruction manual.                      flammable materials.
    ? WARNING! Material containing asbestos must not be   ? When working on stone, use dust extraction equipment
    polished. Working with materials containing amian-  and wear a mask.
    thus/asbestos and/or silica stones produces a dust,   ? In order for the job to be effective, you should select,
    which is harmful to health. Protect yourself from inhal-  based on the material and surface finish, the appropri-
    ing this dust, in compliance with current regulations on   ate size and abrasive.
    accident prevention.                   ? Do not touch rotating polishing tools.
    ? For your personal safety, always connect the machine   ? WARNING! The machine maintains itself running
    to a mains supply protected by a differential and ther-  during some moments after turning it off.
    mal cutout switch, in accordance with regulations  on   ? When working with the machine, always wear safety
    low-voltage wiring sitemaps.             goggles and ear protection. Other personal protection
    ? Do not pierce the motor housing as this could damage   equipment such as dust masks, gloves, helmet  and
    the double insulation (use adhesive labels).   apron  should be  worn when  necessary, along with
    ? Check the work area with a metal detector for hidden   non-slip safety  footwear. When  considering the  need
    wires, gas and/or water pipes.           to use a protective mask against the dust, this should
    ? Always unplug  the machine  before carrying  out   also be for the possible harmful effects of the polished
    work on it.                              material and paint or other surface coating. If in doubt,
    ? Always  stop the machine by switching it off, not by   use safety equipment.
    unplugging it.                         ? Make sure the vents are free when working with dust. If
    ? WARNING! Before each  use, inspect  the plug  and   they require cleaning, first unplug the machine, do not
    lead. Should they need replacing, have this done by an   use metal objects and avoid damaging internal parts.
    official service centre.               ? WARNING: Certain types of dust produced by mechani-
    ? Always keep the mains lead clear of the working range   cal polishing, sawing, grinding and drilling, together with
    of the machine.                          other  construction activities, contain chemical agents
    ? Only plug the machine in when it is switched off.   which are known to cause cancer, congenital and other
    similar defects. Some examples of the chemical agents
  • are given below: the lead in lead-based paint, crystalline   First select the right grain of sandpaper for the surface to
    silica from bricks and cement and other masonry prod-  be sanded.
    ucts,  and also arsenic and chromium from chemically   These sanders incorporate  a sandpaper with  Velcro
    treated wood. The risk deriving from this type of expo-  attachment system that  is attached  directly to  the
    sure  varies and depends on  the frequency with which   plate. In order to assure an optimal dust aspiration, the
    this type of work is carried out. In order to reduce expo-  holes of the sanding sheet should coincide with the
    sure to these chemical agents: work in a well ventilated   holes of the plate.
    area and work with approved safety equipment, such as
    face  masks which  are specially designed  to filter out   STARTING THE TOOL
    microscopic particles.                 WARNING! Check that the mains voltage is the same as
    ? WARNING! Pregnant women and children should not   that in the machine’s specifications.
    enter any area where paint is being sanded until it has   Plug the machine in with the switch off.
    been  thoroughly cleaned. Pregnant  women and chil-
    dren are at greater risk from lead poisoning.   Start  the machine by  turning the switch  A to position
    ? Use the tool for dry sanding only. If water enters the   "ON". To switch off, do the same in reverse.
    tool there is an increased risk of electric shock.   Constant electronic performance and speed adjustment
    The built-in module enables soft start and for the rated
    BRIEF DESCRIPTION                       speed to be maintained  practically constant until  the
    Rotorbital sanders have circular bases that make small,   rated power is reached.
    very fast circular movements. The result is very smooth,   The electronic speed  regulator enables  the speed  to
    scratch-free. Most tools have a perforated base through   be  set to  different positions from  1 to  6. The most
    which dust is vaccumed, when using perforated abrasive   appropriate speed should be selected according to the
    sandpaper. They are used to obtain a fine finish.   part to be polished.
    WARNING! Any use differing from the above is strictly   PRECAUTION: The speed regulator can only be turned
    forbidden.                              to position 6 and then be returned to position 1. It must
    Use only for the following types of work:   never be forced beyond 6 or 1, since this could cause
    1. Finishing  of wooden  surfaces, synthetic material,   damage to the machine.
    metal and painted surfaces.            WORKING INSTRUCTIONS
    2. Removing rust and finishing steel surfaces.
    Do not use the sander without the abrasive disk.
    BEFORE USING THIS TOOL                  Move the sander over the entire surface to be sanded.
    Before  using the tool,  make sure the  mains voltage is   Its weight is pressure enough. Extra pressure merely
    correct: it must be the same as that on the specification   slows the sanding action and produces an  irregular
    label. Machines with 230V can also be connected to a   finish, in addition to wearing out the sander and sandpa-
    220-V mains supply.                     per. Do not leave the machine in operation by itself since
    it will over-sand the surface.
    FITTING SAFETY DEVICES                  Always  switch the  sander on before  placing on the
    WARNING! Always unplug the machine before carrying   surface to be sanded. Never switch off the sander when
    out work on it.                         positioned on the surface: first lift off and then switch off.
    Use of the auxiliary handle is obligatory in order to ensure   Do not use the  sander without sandpaper since  this
    greater control and safety when handling the tool.   would damage the supporting pad. Keep hands away
    from the air holes and ensure that neither oil nor water
    FITTING THE ACCESSORIES                 can penetrate into the motor.
    WARNING! For  safety reasons,  you should  always   Attention: do not let  the spinning disk touch  sharp
    disconnect  the apparatus from  the power source   protrusions,  screws, nails, etc.,  because they could
    before  proceeding to  change the  plate. Always wear   cause damage.
    safety goggles.                         Use sandpaper discs which are suitable for the surface
    Immediately substitute a damaged plate.   to be worked and the required results.
    WARNING! Never press  the blocking  button when  the   PRECAUTION: During polisher operation, the electri-
    machine is running. The shaft must have stopped com-  cal  cable should  always be  kept behind  to prevent it
    pletely before the blocking button is pressed.   being trapped.
    For changing the Velcro plate, proceed in the following
    manner:                                  DUST EXTRACTION
    1. Block the spindle (shaft) by pressing blocking button   WARNING! Always make sure that the tool is switched
    C and with one hand unscrew the plate.   off and unplugged before fitting or removing any dust
    In order to mount the plate, proceed in reverse order.   extraction device.
    2. Once the disc is fitted, check that the blocking button   Dust extraction  keeps the  workplace clean,  prevents
    has returned to its original position due to movement   dust build-up in the air and facilitates waste elimination.
    of the incorporated spring.           These  sanders are  provided with  a dust aspiration
    output which adapts to a universal vacuum or any other
    MOUNTING OF SANDPAPER SHEETS            dust aspiration device.
    WARNING: Whenever you work on the machine, always   CAUTION: Always use an aspiration extractor designed
    unplug it first.                        according to the guidelines applicable to dust emission.

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