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Руководство пользователя ROBIN SUBARU RG3200iS/60Hz Silent. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 42 страницах документа в pdf формате.
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PARTS MANUAL Model RG3200iS Generator PUB-GP6024 Rev. 06/04
940 Lively Blvd. • Wood Dale, IL 60191 • Phone: 630-350-8200 • Fax: 630-350-8212 e-mail: sales@robinamerica.com • www.robinamerica.com © Copyright 2004 Robin America, Inc.
HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Robin engines are identi? ed by MODEL, SPECIFICATION, and CODE NUMBER. For each model there may be many different versions called speci? cations. Each speci? cation will be unique in some way. The difference may only be the paint color or it may have a different type of PTO or some other signi? cant difference. In order the identify the correct service part number, it is important to con? rm the speci? ca- tion and code numbers for your engine. The speci? cation and code number together are know as the PRODUCT NUMBER. All Robin 4 cycle engines have a Product Number label similar to the label illustrated below. The Product Number Label has a 15 digit alphanumeric string that consists of the SPECIFICATION (SPEC) number (11 digits) and the CODE number (4 digits). Please note the illustration below: E X 1 7 0 X X X X SPEC NO. (11 digits) CODE NO. (4 digits) PRODUCT NO. (15 digits)