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Портативный плеер SONY NW-A608. Инструкция на английском языке

Руководство пользователя SONY NW-A608. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 92 страницах документа в pdf формате.


Музыкальные центры / Hi-Fi / Hi-End / DVD / MP3
Тип устройства
Портативный плеер
Производитель (бренд)
Еще инструкции
Музыкальные центры / Hi-Fi / Hi-End / DVD / MP3 SONY, Портативные плееры SONY
Язык инструкции
Дата создания
27 Августа 2020 г.
84 просмотра
Количество страниц
Формат файла
Размер файла
1.81 Мб
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Доступно к просмотру 92 страницы. Рекомендуем вам скачать файл инструкции, поскольку онлайн просмотр документа может сильно отличаться от оригинала.

  • Contents
    Operation Guide              Table of
    NW-A605 / A607 / A608
    ©2005 Sony Corporation  2-661-269-14 (1)
    NW-A605 / A607 / A608.GB.2-661-269-14(1)
  • 2  2
    About the Manuals
    Included with the player are the Quick Start Guide and this PDF-format            Contents  Table of
    Operation Guide. Additionally, after installing CONNECT Player software
    from the supplied CD-ROM, you can refer to the Help within CONNECT
    Player.                                                                           Menu
    –  The Quick Start Guide explains set up and the basic operations, enabling
    you to import tracks into a computer, to transfer them to the player, and to
    play them back.
    –  This Operation Guide explains advanced features, enabling you to make full     Index
    use of the player and troubleshoot problems.
    –  The CONNECT Player Help explains details about using CONNECT
    Player software (? page 3).
    Browsing the Operation Guide
    To use the buttons in the Operation Guide
    Click the buttons located in the upper right of this manual to jump to “Table of
    Contents,” “Button Function Menu,” or “Index.”
    Jumps to the table of contents
    Find what you are looking for from a list of
    topics in the manual.
    Jumps to the button function menu
    Find what you are looking for from a list of the
    button function.
    Jumps to the index
    Find what you are looking for from a list of key
    words mentioned in the manual.
    ? Hints
    •  You can jump to the indicated page by clicking a page number in the table of contents,
    in the button function menu, or in the index.
    •  You can jump to the indicated page by clicking a page reference indicated by ( ?  page
    2), etc.
    •  To search for a reference page by keyword, click the “Edit” menu, select “Search” of
    the Adobe Reader to display the navigation frame, type the keyword into the Search text
    box, and click “Search.”
    •  You can jump to the previous or next page by clicking the    and    buttons located at
    bottom of the screen of the Adobe Reader.
    Continued ?
    NW-A605 / A607 / A608.GB.2-661-269-14(1)
  • 3  3
    To change the page layout
    The buttons at the bottom of the Adobe Reader screen enable you to select how     Contents
    pages are displayed.                                                                Table of
    Single Page                           Continuous - Facing                    Index
    Pages are displayed one at a time.    Two pages are displayed side by side
    When you scroll, the display changes  with each pair part of a continuous
    to a previous or succeeding page.     roll of pages. When you scroll, the
    previous and next pairs of pages
    Continuous                        scroll up and down continuously.
    Pages are displayed as a continuous
    roll of pages.                            Facing
    When you scroll, the previous and     Two pages are displayed side by side.
    next pages scroll up and down         When you scroll, the display changes
    continuously.                         to previous or succeeding pairs of
    Using CONNECT Player Help
    Refer to CONNECT Player Help for details about using CONNECT Player,
    such as importing tracks to your  computer and transferring tracks to the
    ? Click “Help” – “CONNECT Player Help” while CONNECT Player
    is running.
    Help appears.
    •  In CONNECT Player Help, the player is referred to as “Device.”
    NW-A605 / A607 / A608.GB.2-661-269-14(1)

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