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Руководство пользователя DACT CT3-6-2/Wire. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 5 страницах документа в pdf формате.
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CT3 is a high quality Audio Selector Switch. It is based on the same high precision, Swiss made switching mechanism as the DACT CT2 audio attenuators. CT3 is a non-shorting type of switch making sure neither of the input sources will be short-circuiting each other when the switch is operated. CT3-5-4/PCB switches two channels simultaneously. For both channels it switches signal AND ground. This is an effective way to minimize the risk of creating ground loops. In the same way CT3-5-8/wire switches 8 poles. FEATURES TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 2/4/8-pole switches 2/4/8 channels Input selector in Do-It-Yourself Hi- simultaneously Fi / audio projects Gold plated contacts for long lifetime Input selector switch in active or even in hot and humid environments passive preamplifiers High reliability Selector switch in professional audio Matches perfectly with DACT CT2 equipment audio attenuators Switch for long lifetime applications Mechanically “programmable” for 1 Test equipment selector switch to 3 or 5 or 6 postions PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION CT3-6-2, 6 positions, 2 poles CT3-3-4, 3 positions, 4 poles CT3-5-4, 5 positions, 4 poles CT3-5-8/wire, 5 positions, 8 poles