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Видеокамера SONY NEX-FS100E. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя SONY NEX-FS100E. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 124 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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  • 4-279-232-12(1)
    Interchangeable Lens Digital HD              Table of Contents
    Video Camera Recorder                        Getting Started
    Operating Guide
    Using the Menu
    Connecting with another
    Additional Information
    Quick Reference
  • Read this first
    Before operating this unit, please read this   some tiny black points and/or bright
    manual thoroughly, and retain it for future   points (white, red, blue, or green in color)
    reference.                       that appear constantly on the LCD screen.
    These points are normal results of the
    Notes on use                    manufacturing process and do not affect
    the recording in any way.
    Using the camcorder
    White, red, blue or green
    • Do not hold the camcorder by the       point
    following parts.
    Black point
    Lens          LCD screen
    • Do not record the sun or leave the
    camcorder under the sun for a long time.
    The inside of the camcorder may be
    damaged. If sunlight is focused on a
    nearby object, it may cause a fire. When
    Microphone or   Large LCD
    Microphone holder  viewfinder   you must place the camcorder under direct
    sunlight, attach the front lens cap.
    • Do not expose your camcorder’s
    b Notes                          viewfinder, lens, or LCD screen to the sun
    or strong light source for extended
    • The camcorder is not dustproof, dripproof or
    waterproof. See “About handling of your   periods. Doing so may cause a
    camcorder” (p. 107).            malfunction of the camcorder.
    • When connecting the camcorder to another   • Do not attempt to record the sun directly.
    device with communication cables, be sure to   Doing so may cause a malfunction of the
    insert the connector plug in the correct way.   camcorder. You may record a sunset, as
    Pushing the plug forcibly into the terminal will   the light is not as strong as that at midday.
    damage the terminal and may result in a
    malfunction of the camcorder.  On the temperature of your camcorder
    • Use GPS in accordance with the regulations of   and battery pack
    the situation, the countries/regions of use.
    Your camcorder has a protective function
    On the LCD screen and lens      that disables recording or playback if the
    • A menu item that is grayed out is not   temperature of your camcorder or battery
    available under the current recording or   pack is beyond the safely operable range. In
    playback conditions.           this case, a message appears on the LCD
    screen (p. 97).
    • The LCD screen is manufactured using
    extremely high-precision technology, so
    over 99.99% of the pixels are operational
    for effective use. However, there may be
  • On recording                      Management Utility” software on the
    supplied CD-ROM to repair the image.
    • In order to stabilize memory card
    operation, it is recommended that you   On playing back movies
    format the memory card when you use it
    • Movies recorded using this camcorder
    with your camcorder for the first time. All
    may not play back normally on devices
    data recorded on the memory card will be
    other than this camcorder. Also, movies
    erased by formatting, and cannot be
    recorded on other devices may not play
    recovered. Save important data on the
    back properly on this camcorder.
    memory card on other media such as a
    computer, before formatting the memory   • Standard (SD) image quality movies
    card.                           recorded on SD memory cards cannot be
    played on AV devices of other
    • Before starting to record, test the   manufacturers.
    recording function to make sure the
    picture and sound are recorded without   DVD media recorded with high
    any problems.                  definition image quality (HD)
    • Compensation for the loss of the content   DVD media recorded with high definition
    of recordings or the loss of recording   image quality (HD) can be played back
    opportunities cannot be provided, even if   with devices that are compatible with the
    recording or playback is not possible due   AVCHD standard. You cannot play discs
    to a malfunction of the camcorder, storage   recorded with high definition image quality
    media, etc., or even if images or sounds   (HD) with DVD players/recorders as they
    are distorted due to the limits of the   are not compatible with the AVCHD
    capabilities of the camcorder.  format. If you insert a disc recorded with
    • TV color systems differ depending on the   the AVCHD format (high definition image
    countries/regions. To view your   quality (HD)) into a DVD player/recorder,
    recordings on a TV, you need a PAL   you may not be able to eject the disc.
    system TV.
    Save all your recorded image data
    • Television programs, films, video tapes,
    and other materials may be copyrighted.   • To prevent your image data from being
    Unauthorized recording of such materials   lost, save all your recorded images on
    may be contrary to the copyright laws.  external media periodically. To save
    images on a computer, see page 87. To
    • Because of the way that the image device
    (CMOS sensor) reads out image signals,   save images on an external device, see
    the following phenomena may occur.   page 83.
    • Movies recorded with [1080/50p PS] or
    – The subjects passing by the frame rapidly
    might appear crooked depending on the   [1080/50i FX] of [  REC FORMAT]
    recording conditions. (This phenomenon may   can be saved on an external media device
    be notable in displays having high motion   only (p. 83).
    – Horizontal lines appear on the screen during   To handle the recorded images on
    recording under fluorescent lights. The   your computer
    phenomena can be reduced by adjusting the
    shutter speed (p. 32).        Refer to “Help” on the supplied CD-ROM
    – Images on the screen look horizontally   “Content Management Utility.”
    divided when a subject is continuously lit
    with a flash. The effect of this phenomenon
    may be reduced by using a slower shutter
    speed. Also, you may try using the “Content
    Continued ,  3

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