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Видеокамера SONY CCD-TRV55E. Инструкция на русском языке

Руководство пользователя SONY CCD-TRV55E. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 112 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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Фото и видеокамеры / Фоторамки SONY, Видеокамеры SONY
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  • 3-861-892-12 (1)
    Video Camera
    Operating Instructions
    Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly,
    and retain it for future reference.
    Иino?oeoeя ii yenieoaoaoee
    Пa?aa yenieoaoaoeae aiia?aoa aieiaoaeuii i?i?oeoa, ii?aeoenoa,
    aaiiia ?oeiaianoai e nio?aiяeoa aai aeя aaeuiaeoeo ni?aaie.
    ©1998 by Sony Corporation
  • English                               Рonneee
    Welcome!                              Дia?i ii?aeiaaou!
    Congratulations on your purchase of this Sony  Пica?aaeяai Вan n i?eia?aoaieai aaiiie
    HandycamVision™ camcorder. With your  aeaaieaia?u Handycam Vision™ oe?iu Sony.
    Handycam Vision you can capture life’s precious  С iiiiuu? Вaoae aeaaieaia?u Handycam
    moments with superior picture and sound  Vision Вu nii?aoa caia?aoeaou ai?iaea Вai
    quality.                              iaiiaaieя ?ecie n i?aainoiaiui ea?anoaii
    Your Handycam Vision is loaded with advanced  ecia?a?aieя e caoea.
    features, but at the same time it is very easy to  Вaoa aeaaieaia?a Handycam Vision
    use. You will soon be producing home video that  iniauaia oniaa?oainoaiaaiiuie
    you can enjoy for years to come.      ooieoeяie, ii a oi ?a a?aiя aa i?aiu eaaei
    eniieuciaaou. Вnei?a Вu aoaaoa nicaaaaou
    naiaeiua aeaaii?ia?aiiu, eioi?uie
    WARNING                  ii?aoa ianea?aaounя iineaao?uea aiau.
    To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose
    the unit to rain or moisture.
    To avoid electrical shock, do not open the  Дeя i?aaioa?auaieя aicai?aieя eee
    cabinet.                              iianiinoe yeaeo?e?aneiai oaa?a ia
    Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.  aunoaaeяeoa aiia?ao ia ai?au eee aeaao.
    Вi ecaa?aiea ii?a?aieя yeaeo?e?aneei
    oieii ia ioe?uaaeoa ei?ion.
    Зa ianeo?eaaieai ia?auaounя oieuei e
    eaaeeoeoe?iaaiiiio ianeo?eaa?uaio
  • English
    Table of contents
    Before you begin
    Using this manual................................................... 5  – for playback/editing –
    Checking supplied accessories ............................. 7  Watching on a TV screen ..................................... 68
    Enjoying digital effect during playback
    Getting started                        (CCD-TRV55E only) .......................................... 70
    Installing and charging the battery pack ............ 8  Editing onto another tape .................................... 71
    Inserting a cassette ............................................... 13  Recording from a VCR or TV .............................. 72
    Basic operations                      Additional information
    Camera recording ................................................. 14  Changing the lithium battery in the
    Using the zoom feature ..................................... 17  camcorder ........................................................... 73
    Selecting the START/STOP mode .................. 19  Resetting the date and time................................. 75
    Shooting with the LCD screen ......................... 20  Simple setting of clock by time difference ........ 76
    Letting the subject monitor the shot (Mirror  Playback modes .................................................... 77
    mode) ................................................................ 21  Tips for using the battery pack ........................... 79
    Hints for better shooting ..................................... 22  Maintenance information and precautions....... 83
    Checking the recorded picture ........................... 24  Using your camcorder abroad ............................ 89
    Playing back a tape ............................................... 26  Trouble check ........................................................ 90
    Searching for the end of the picture ................... 29  Self-diagnosis display .......................................... 96
    Specifications ......................................................... 98
    Advanced operations                   Identifying the parts ........................................... 100
    Using alternative power sources ........................ 30  Warning indicators ............................................. 110
    Using the mains ................................................. 30  Index ........................................................ Back cover
    Changing the mode settings ............................... 32
    – for camera recording –
    Shooting with backlighting ................................. 38
    Using the FADER function.................................. 39
    Shooting in the dark (NightShot) ....................... 42
    Photo recording (CCD-TRV55E only) ............... 43
    Using the wide mode function ........................... 45
    Using the PROGRAM AE function .................... 47
    Superimposing a still picture on a moving
    picture (CCD-TRV55E only) ............................ 49
    Recording still pictures successively
    (CCD-TRV55E only) .......................................... 50
    Replacing a brighter portion of a still picture
    with a moving picture (CCD-TRV55E only) .. 51
    Adding an incidental image to pictures
    (CCD-TRV55E only) .......................................... 53
    Using slow shutter (CCD-TRV55E only) .......... 54
    Adding an old movie type atmosphere to
    pictures (CCD-TRV55E only) ........................... 55
    Focusing manually ............................................... 56
    Enjoying picture effect ......................................... 58
    Adjusting the exposure ........................................ 60
    Superimposing a title ........................................... 62
    Making your own titles ....................................... 64
    Recording with the date/time ............................ 66
    Optimizing the recording condition .................. 67
    Releasing the STEADY SHOT function ............. 68

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