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Руководство пользователя CITIZEN SRP-145N. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 179 страницах документа в pdf формате.
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Contents BASIC DEFINITIONS.......................................................... 2 The Keys .......................................................................................2 GENERAL KEYS ..............................................................................2 MEMORY KEYS ...............................................................................2 SPECIAL KEYS ................................................................................3 FUNCTION KEYS.............................................................................4 PROGRAMMING KEYS (USE IN THE PGM MODE ONLY) ............5 STATISTICAL KEYS (USE IN THE STAT MODE ONLY).................5 THE DISPLAY..................................................................... 6 ORDER OF OPERATIONS................................................. 7 ACCURACY AND CAPACITY............................................ 7 OVERFLOW / ERROR CONDITIONS ................................ 8 POWER SUPPLY................................................................ 9 NORMAL CALCULATIONS ............................................... 9 Basic Calculation (Including Parenthesis Calculations)................9 Constant Calculations....................................................................9 Memory Calculations...................................................................10 FUNCTION CALCULATIONS........................................... 10 Sexagesimal - Decimal conversion...........................................10 Fraction Calculation.....................................................................11 Trigonometric / Inverse – Tri. Functions ......................................11 Hyperbolic Functions and Inverse – Hyp. Functions ...................11 Common And Natural Logarithms / Exponentiations...................12 Power, Root, Reciprocals, Factorials...........................................12 STANDARD DEVIATIONS ............................................... 12 PROGRAMMING .............................................................. 13 -E1- SRP-145N_English_Black_SR135A_090330.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1 2009/3/30
BASIC DEFINITIONS The Keys To keep your calculators as compact as possible, some keys have more than one function. You can change the function of a key by pressing another key first, or by setting the calculator in a certain mode. The following pages give you more detailed explanation of each key’s use and function. [ 2ndF ] Second Function Select Key Some keys have a second function inscribed above them. To perform this second function, press [ 2ndF ]. “ 2F ” appears in the display then press the key. GENERAL KEYS [ 0 ] ~[ 9 ] [?] Data Entry keys Press these keys in their logical sequence to enter numbers. [ + ] [ – ] [ x ] [ ? ] [ = ] Basic Calculation Keys Press these keys in their logical sequence for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and to display answers. [ ON/C ] Power On / Clear Key Press [ ON/C ] to turn on the calculator and to clear everything except the contents of the memory, constant memory(Ka, Kb), and program memory. [ CE ] Clear Entry Key Press [ CE ] to erase incorrect entries. [ 00?0 ] Right Shift Key Press to clear the last significant digit of the number displayed. (Ex.) 123456 123456. [ 00?0 ] 12345. [ 00?0 ] 1234. [ +/– ] Sign Change Key Press [ +/– ] to change the displayed number from positive to negative or from negative to positive. MEMORY KEYS [ MR ] Memory Recall Key Press [ MR ] to display the contents of the memory. [ X?M ] Memory Store Key Press [ X?M ] to store the displayed value into memory. Any previous value in memory is automatically erased. -E2- SRP-145N_English_Black_SR135A_090330.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1 2009/3/30
[ M+ ] Memory Plus Key Press [ M+ ] to total the current calculation and add the result to the value already in memory. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka x ? k ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb x ? k ] Constant (Ka, Kb) Memory Store Key Press to enter the displayed value into constant memory Ka or Kb. [ Ka x ? k ], [ Kb x ? k ] Memory Recall Key Press to display the contents of a constant memory. Note : • Constant memories Ka and Kb can have a value of 0 • If you press [ Ka x ? k ] or [ Kb x ? k ] after entering a number or marking a calculation, the displayed value is multiplied by the value in Ka or Kb. SPECIAL KEYS [ ( ], [ ) ] Parenthesis Keys Press to override the calculation’s default order of operation by using parentheses. You can use up to 6 levels of parenthes in a single calculation. [ EXP ] Exponent Key To enter a number in scientific notation, first enter the numbers for the mantissa, press [ EXP ], and then enter the numbers for the exponent. [ 2ndF ] [ ? ] Key Press [ 2ndF ] [?] to display the value of ?, which is the ratio of circle’s circumference to its diameter (approximately 3.141592654). [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ] Register Exchange Key Press [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ] to exchange the displayed value (X–register) with the contents of the working register (Y–register). (Ex.) 123 [ + ] 456 [ = ] 579. [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ] 456. [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ] 579. [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] Decimal Point Set Key Use to set the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in either final or intermediate results. The calculator continues to use its full range for internal calculations and only rounds the number in the display. • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 0 ]~[ 6 ] –– Sets the number of digits to be displayed to the right of decimal point. • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [?] –– Selects floating point format. (Ex.) 5 [ ? ] 9 [ = ] 0.555555556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] 0.56 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] 0.55556 -E3- SRP-145N_English_Black_SR135A_090330.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1 2009/3/30